Call the Exorcist

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Midoriya [POV]

"Well I guess this calls for a small introduction since I guess I forgot to mention my siblings but Midoriya this is Fuyumi and Natsuo my older siblings, guys this is Midoriya" Todoroki laughed nervously both of his siblings stared at him in awe mouths open.  Before I could even ask any questions Fuyumi grabbed me by the arm and I couldn't see but I think that Natsuo grabbed Todoroki.  She pulled me out of the room into the hallway shutting the door behind us.  She put her hands on my shoulder

"Midoriya right?" she asked I nodded questionably "how long have you known Todoroki personally"

"Um Ever since the sports festival, why?" I responded

"Sine the sports festival" she responded thinking over my response "What are you doing tell me your secrets?"

"I'm..., I'm not following" I raised one eyebrow

"You made him, he laughed and even smiled" she exclaimed

"I'm just going what I normally do with my friends" I shrugged remembering what Mina and Kaminari asked me, well more of shouted it to the entire lunchroom but whatever

"He never laughs or smiles no matter how hard we try especially not when Endeavor is here" Fuyumi shook her head sadly

"He doesn't much at school either it's really rare so we've got a game going of who can get the best picture of him smiling" I laughed Fuyumi was about to say something else when Natsuo burst out of the room shutting the door quickly

"CALL THE EXORCIST" he shouted exasperated

"What?, What's wrong?  What happened?" Fuyumi asked frantically

"He's not our brother he has to be possessed by a demon" he grabbed Fuyumi by the shoulders shaking him "What happened to our angry emo brother"

"What did he do?" she asked

"Okay first he knew we were moving the daisy but that's not important right now but he was smiling and laughing when I asked what was going on he didn't even snap at me" Natsuo continued to shake Fuyumi "He didn't even give me the cold shoulder, Fuyumi I didn't get the cold shoulder"

"WHAT?!" Fuyumi looked at me confusion and concern mixed into the expression on her face

"You go in there you must've done something you devil" Natsuo pushed me in to the room slamming the door behind me.

"Your siblings are a bit over over dramatic" I commented sitting back down on the bed

"Yeah I guess but that's just how it is around here change is a bad and confusing thing" He shrugged "I guess I'll always be that angry edgy younger brother in the house and I guess since we didn't really grow up that close I think they want to try to make up for lost time"

"I like this side of you when you're not being passive aggressively angry it proves you do have a soft side you're not all cold" I joked laughing "Maybe if I can find your soft side maybe I could find Kacchan's?" 

"No he just doesn't have a soft side" Todoroki laughed with me and I found myself  smiling just at his smile which since it didn't happen often you'd think it wouldn't but as bright and lively as it was.  I suddenly thought of an idea and quickly pulled out my phone

"One sec gotta text my mom" I lied as I leaned back taking a picture of Todoroki as he looked over at the door a smile spread across his face but I didn't notice the flash was on until too late.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Todoroki exclaimed

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