Todoroki might be the Devil

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Midoriya [POV]

"Maybe" I quickly pulled my phone away 

"Delete it" Todoroki begged reaching for my phone but I kept it away from him but continued to take a few more pictures of him

"Midoriya! Delete them!" He exclaimed chasing after me as I ran around the room trying to keep him away from me.  He even started trying to use ice to slow me down when I ran out of the room I ran towards the door throwing it open.  As I ran by with Todoroki behind me I heard Fuyumi exclaim

"I guess he's back?" But I didn't really have any time to say anything as I was running for my life

"Midoriya!" Todoroki shouted I was at a disadvantage here I didn't know the layout of his large house and I had to try to remember where the front door was.  I ran down another hallway running past a kitchen I knew I was going the wrong way but it didn't really matter at this point.

"Shoto don't use your quirk in the house like that you're going to break something, burn the house down or something" Fuyumi shouted appearing behind a corner.  I turned down another corridor and swung open the backdoor out into the yard.  It was large for training purposes but I was out in the open now.  I wouldn't be able to shake Todoroki in his own house and as expected he followed me outside

"Shoto Now you've got to clean all of this ice up" Natsuo shouted from one of the windows, though Todoroki continued to ignore his siblings.  I screamed dropping to the ground as he rushed at me.  I bet he expected me to continue running because he kind of froze in his spot confused for a few beats.  He quickly knelt down and started to search me.  I stuffed my phone in my shorts because I highly doubted that he would check there.  He patted my pockets

"Where did you put it" He asked searching around my sweatshirt and undershirt

"I'll never tell you" I exclaimed pursing my lips stubbornly

"You're such a pain in the arse you know" He continued to search and suddenly burst out laughing

"Todoroki stop no that tickles" I exclaimed trying to squirm away but he caught me again

"Right here it tickles?" He asked tickling me on my sides.  I squealed trying to get away

"No stop" I tried to push him away from me but he was stronger than me.  Suddenly my phone fell down my shorts leg onto the ground and immediately Todoroki let go of me grabbing the phone before I could.  He jumped a few steps away looked at my phone

"[BEEP] you've got a password what is it" Todoroki shouted

"Shoto you're ten dollars in debt to the swear jar" Natsuo shouted

"What's your password Midoriya" Todoroki begged

"I can't tell you then you'd just delete my pictures all my hard work which are very important" I insisted

"What for" he asked raising one eyebrow

"You don't need to know that" I crossed my arms in front of my chest

"Ugh" Todoroki groaned leaning back on his knees

"Can I have my phone back?" I asked reaching for my phone.  He tossed it to me.  It hit me in the chin and landed in my lap

"Ow" I whined rubbing my chin

"Sorry" he apologized

"Shoto, dads home" Natsuo called

"What!" Todoroki shouted looking back at the window.  There was a camera flash and both Fuyumi and Natsuo's laughter

"Dad's at a meeting dumb[Beep]" Natsuo laughed

"I didn't know that e could have come home early you know I'm not supposed to have friends over" Todoroki shouted

"Sorry Shoto but your face was priceless" He laughed "Even you Midoriya your face was priceless" I felt my face grow hot with a dark blush

"Don't do things like that" Todoroki snapped grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me to my feet

"Todoroki" I cried out stumbling over my own feet

"Sorry" he apologized again

"Aw you two are so cute" Fuyumi fussed leaning her elbows on the windowsill "You get along so well it's hard to think that there's nothing else going on between you two" Now both Todoroki and I were blushing.  This was the first time I've seen Todoroki so flustered his face was as dark as his hair.  I doubt mine was any different though

"I-It's not like that" Todoroki stammered letting go of my wrist.  There was another camera flash

"you are too funny Shoto" Natsuo laughed

"Oh shut up at least I have friends" Todoroki snapped

"I have friends" he insisted

"Yeah, like who?" Todoroki raised and eyebrow impatiently

"Um....., that's none of your business" Natsuo quickly turned around and left, Todoroki smirked

"That's what I thought" he scoffed confidently

"Todoroki" I tugged on his sleeve"

"Hm?" he looked back at me

"Lets go back inside 'kay?" I asked

"Yeah I've got to clean up now" He scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly

"Yeah Shoto you've still gotta clean up" Fuyumi called "you're the only one with fire aside from dad"

"I was already going to do that" Todoroki shouted

"Yeah Yeah get it done quick dad's coming home soon" She insisted turning away from the window

"Come on I can help" I offered

"You gonna hug the ice" he joked "Melt it with your sunshine personality?" I punched him in the shoulder playfully

"Mop up the water stupid I can't melt ice" I laughed

"I figured but yeah I would appreciate your help" He smiled again and I had to resist the urge to take more pictures

"I followed Todoroki back into the house and as he melted the ice I mopped up the water until it was all gone.

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