Match making

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Shinsho [POV]

After what Kaminari told me I went out to find Todoroki though I doubted that I would be able to find him in such a short time.  Todoroki didn't trust me that much so that would make my job much harder.  I'd just have to get him to talk to me.  I pushed open the bathroom door and was surprised to find Todoroki standing at the sink washing his hands

"Hey Todoroki how's it going today" I asked leaning one hand on the edge of the sink.  He didn't respond or even acknowledge that I was here

"I know we probably got set off on the wrong foot from the sports festival but I don't plan on tricking you" Still no response, did he see through my plan?  See through my lies?  I feared the worst but Kaminari did say that Todoroki didn't talk much in the first place especially not to people he didn't trust.  He said it took a lot to get him to start to open up but he did in his own way slow and steady

"I just have been trying to get on better terms with all the kids on the hero course and I thought I'd start off with you since you were here" I shrugged looking into the mirror.  Todoroki's face was slightly red not including the scar on the left side of his face.  I was about to give up and walk away

"You think you can patch up relationships with a few words relationships take time" he snapped.  Bingo!  I had him under my control now.  I assumed he was talking about either his father or mother which made me feel kinda bad but Kaminari told me to do with and we were friends so I trusted him.  I would have to work hard to patch this part up with Todoroki but whatever it took.  I turned around and walked out of the bathroom I think lunch was over which was perfect timing.  I saw Midoriya while I was walking out and waved to him but I don't think he waved back.  Was something on his mind?

Midoriya [POV]

I walked back to class and sat down in my spot.  Todoroki didn't come back to class until a few seconds before class was supposed to start.  That was a bit concerning as he had never came anywhere close to being late to class.  He wasn't a bad kid but wasn't the best rule follower either.  He didn't talk to anyone as he sat down and I didn't even have a chance to apologize for what Mina and Kaminari did before Aizawa came into class.  He gave us our lesson and a worksheet though Todoroki didn't even start it.  Did something happen after he left?  Call me crazy but I was concerned.  After the final bell rung I went up to him

"Um hey Todoroki are you alright you seem kinda spaced out" I asked adjusting my bag on my shoulder

"Um yeah I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out after school since my dad isn't going to be home today he's probably out doing some hero stuff and I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out" There was something odd about his approach and the tone in his voice he didn't sound like himself

"Sure that sounds fun" I smiled not even realizing that both Kaminari and Mina were watching us "But I should drop my bag off at my apartment first"

"Okay you can just come over whenever you can no rush" there was a nervousness in his voice that I wasn't familiar with coming from him.  Call me insane but It kind of sounded like something Shinsho would say in his self doubting tone even the way he asked me.  I shrugged it off I was probably just making things up Shinsho wouldn't do something like that I'm just assuming things after seeing him in the hallway.  Todoroki rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times

"I should get going for now see you later" He stood up grabbing his bag and leaving the classroom quickly.  I didn't even get to say anything before he left.  Still thinking about it when I was walking home I almost turned the wrong way and got myself lost but somehow managed to get home in one piece.

"Hey mom I'm gonna go over to Todoroki's house" I called as I stepped in dropping my bad at the door

"That's fine Izuku, Todoroki is a nice boy from what I've heard you should bring him over one time" Mom popped her head around the corner with a smile on her face.  I took my shoes off at the door and went to my room to get changed into more comfortable clothes.  I had a plain green T-shirt, a sweatshirt and some grey shorts

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