chapter twelve

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neither of us is happy
neither of us wants to leave
so we keep breaking each other
and calling it love
||rupi kaur||

NOBODY TALKED ABOUT Chayse's for weeks. I've noticed that Michael tries to avoid me, even if we don't speak in the first place. Courtney will talk to me, but very briefly. Something changed between Chayse and I that I honestly hated. And Ayia, well she was clueless.

"Wanna come over tonight?" Chayse asked while we worked on our big tasks in auto. It was a month and half away from mid terms, which meant we had this big project to do. Our teacher was nice enough to let us have plenty of time to work on it.

"Sure." I tried to focus on the small engine in front of me, but he was making it difficult.

"Christmas is also coming up."

"So is our four month. Which is in a week, if you remembered." I don't remember when I started getting so sassy with him, but I didn't like it. I wanted to go back to the fun sass I'd give him while cuddling on the couch. Not this sass which made him angry. And him being angry was the last thing I wanted.

"I did actually. And I wanted you to come over. I'll cook," he smirked. I knew why he chose his place. I used to not mind, but now I'm not sure. But I didn't want to start anything in the middle of the shop, so I dropped it.

Once the bell rang, I ran up to my locker, grabbed my jacket since it was way too cold out now, then met Chayse in his car.

"It's so damn cold outside," I shivered, pulling the jacket close to my body. Being from New York, it seemed like everyone hates the cold, but here, everyone was outside having fun. I didn't understand it no matter how hard I tried.

He just laughed before pulling out of the parking lot. "When do you work next?" he asked.

I thought about it, then realized I was scheduled to work today after school. "Oh my God, I completely forgot that I work today."

He looked pretty annoyed with me, but agreed to drop me off anyway. I left all my work clothes there, which was only an apron, so I didn't have to go home.

"I'm really sorry, Chayse, I'll try to spend most of the weekend with you," I said, looking over at how angry he was. I knew he was trying to stay calm, but that was hard for him.

"My parents will be home," he mumbled. He was getting mad at me for something I can't control, something he's been doing a lot lately.

I sat there, thinking of solutions. "Can I meet them?"

He glared at me as if I asked him to move across the world with me. "Why?"

"We've been together for four months. I think I've gotta meet your parents sometime," I defended myself.

"When can I meet your dad?"

I wanted to walk out of this car and never come back. He knows I don't want him meeting my dad. He knows the reason I've told him, which is that he's suffering from PTSD and is off work, but I really didn't want him to know about my real life.

"You always bother me about meeting my parents but you never think about me meeting yours. And why do you always come over to my house? Why is it some big secret about where you live?"

"It's not a big secret," I lied. "It's just convenient to go to your place instead."

He huffed, gripping the steering wheel.

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