chapter fourteen

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{trigger warning: abuse}

you pinned
my legs to
the ground
with your feet
and demanded
i stand up
||rupi kaur||

LUKE WAS PISSED. I have never seen him angry before, other than the time Michael pocketed his lighter then lost it. But that was nothing compared to his anger right now.

The way he paced my small room, punching the wall every so often, it reminded me of Chayse. It wasn't until I started crying that Luke actually calmed down a bit.

"Hey, baby, it's okay. I'm so sorry. Okay? I'm not going to hurt you," Luke comforted, sitting beside me on the bed. I had my knees up to my chest and head in my hands, trying to stop the tears and memories.

Ever since 'date night', which was last Thursday, Chayse has been nothing but angry. I'd spend most nights with him, mainly because I was too scared to say no. Some nights he wasn't that angry, or at least an angry that I can see. Some nights he just stays quite while we sit together. While other nights, he takes his anger out on me.

I did a good job at hiding it from everyone for a week now, but it was hard to hide bruises from Luke when he's used to me changing in front of him. He knew something was up when I started getting uncomfortable with him in the room.

When Luke tried to put an arm around me, I cried even harder and pushed his arm away. I hated that his touch of all of them felt like Chayse and my mom.

I slid myself across my bed, away from Luke. The look in his eyes hurt me because I knew I hurt him. I never wanted to think he would touch me like Chayse or my mom, but I couldn't help but be reminded of everything.

We sat there in silence for a while.

I honestly loved that Luke never left. He was there for me even if I freaked out on him for touching me. Even if he said nothing nor did he try to hug me, his presence made me feel safe.

I whipped my tears and took a deep breath. I slowly crawled across the bed and hugged Luke from behind. I could tell he was stressed because he kept running his hands through his hair and shaking his leg.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, trying to calm his nerves. I started rubbing his shoulders, attempting to give him a massage. He continued to stay silent which scared me.

The positive side of me tried thinking he was just thinking and trying to figure everything out, but the negative side told me he was mad at me. I knew he wasn't, but that thought still lingered in my mind.

"Baby, I know you'd never try and hurt me," I said, still trying to calm him.

"I'm going to fucking beat his ass," Luke finally spoke.

I pulled away from him, turning us both so we could look at each other. "No. You're not going to beat his ass."

I knew he wasn't going to listen, but it was worth a shot.

"Luke, if you beat him up, he's going to know I told you and he's going to be real mad. Nothing good will come from it and you know that," I explained. I was afraid Chayse would be so angry with me for saying something and he'd add to my collection of bruises. I was also scared for Luke. If Chayse is so messed up that he'd beat his girlfriend, who knows what he'd do to Luke.

Luke sighed, knowing I'm right. "Just know I'm not going to pretend to be nice to him."

"You never have been nice to him," I reminded him, which caused him to smile. His smile was honestly contagious because whenever he was happy, my mood brightened. 

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