chapter twenty

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{okay, so sorry, but theres gonna be a bunch of time skips here, like going months ahead, because sadly this story is coming to an end and this is the final chapter. thank you sm for reading and i love all yall lots}
{also sorry this is so short, but i didn't know what else to write}

you may not have been my first love
but you were the love that made
all the other loves
||rupi kaur||

SCHOOL HAS BEEN rough. I thought that because I have Luke now with me it'll be easier, but I was wrong.

I mean, sure, Chayse moved across the country during the summer so he hasn't been around, but there was still Ayia. She still hasn't given up the whole mean girl act and it terrified me that she was in most of my classes.

I felt so stupid for being scared. It was like the who tough girl who had a rough childhood had completely gone away and now I was just weak. I just felt stupid.

Luke kept telling me to ignore her and that she was just jealous, but it was hard sometimes.


I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see Reece leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Hey?" I wondered why she was here. Didn't she literally hate me last year?

"So, you and Luke?"

"What about us?" I was really confused, but also ready to hear her opinions. I was guessing it would be along the lines of 'he's no good' or 'he's gonna break your heart'. Honestly, those opinions were getting so old. Like, Luke and I have been together for eight months now. I don't think I need the 'he's a badboy' speech anymore.

"I'm happy for you," she had a genuine smile on her face and I knew she wasn't lying. I was shocked. I never thought that Reece of all people would congratulate me.

"Thanks," I replied.

She sent me one last smile before taking off to meet up with some friends.


Luke showed up at my house randomly, not that I minded. It was Christmas break and I was getting lonely while staying inside all day. However, he seemed a bit off all night, which was starting to concern me.

"Harmony," Luke spoke, pressing pause on our movie. This was when I knew he was being serious because he never used my full name.

Panic rushed over me because the only thought I had was he was breaking up with me.

"One Direction seen one of our covers online and they really liked it," he said. I got really happy for him, but there was something more or else he would have a huge smile on his face, which he didn't.

"That's good, right?" I asked, wondering why he wasn't excited. If some big shot band liked his music, why not be happy?

He took a deep breath then explained why he wasn't excited. "They want us to tour with them."

Now I understood.

"We still have time to decide and I don't know if I want to go. I don't think I'll be able to stay away from you for that long," he said with sadness in his eyes.

I wanted to say I was happy for him and he should take the offer, but I wasn't ready for him to leave.

"Take it," I said, realizing that I wasn't going to keep him from his dreams.

He was confused. "You want me to leave?"

"Not exactly, but I don't want to be the reason you turn down this opportunity. Luke, this is amazing and you should go. Be some rich guy in a boy band and make music. It's your dream. Don't let some New York ghetto chick stop you," I joked with the last part.

He smiled, then kissed me. "I love you so much, Harmony." We kissed for a few more minutes before he pulled away. "We're not a boy band. We're punk rock."

I just laughed and rolled my eyes. "Sure you are."


Luke left about a week ago and I didn't realize it would be so hard without him. I felt so lonely sleeping alone, but of course I wouldn't tell him that.

He was over in London right now having the time of his life. I wasn't going to get in the way of that.  

Before he left, all four of the guys dropped out and I joined them. I knew it probably wouldn't do me any good, but I was almost a year behind and I really couldn't stand school. I was now 18 so I could make my own decisions anyway.

I ended up getting a job at this club as a bartender so that was keeping my mind off my boyfriend who was travelling the word.

I knew it was going to be hard, but I also knew I would make sure we worked out.

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