Pain for Love

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"You can't keep me in bed all day." Riyalin groaned, but Eric chuckled and held her a little longer, refusing to loosen his hold.

In truth, if she wanted to leave, she could, but she didn't care.

They were both covered in bruises at this point, but neither had bothered to check.

Riyalin looked up at the ceiling and Eric tugged her ear gently, getting her to smile without glancing at him.

"Stop pulling my ear." He heard the smile in her voice and tugged a little harder.

Riyalin smacked his thigh with ease, getting him to let go of her ear, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her down, to his level.

"I did. Can I get a reward now?" His voice was soft, but Riyalin hesitated.

"I have to get to school." Hearing her response, Eric frowned, playfully pouting.

"You're leaving?" Eric mumbled, getting a butterfly kiss on his cheek from her.

"Yes." Riyalin moved to get up, but he pulled her back to the bed, locking his arms around hers.

"Cut it out, I need to get to school." Riyalin smacked his hands gently, but he tightened his hold.

Riyalin gave in, deciding to cut school for the fourth day, and she got up to shower.

Eric did the same, going to the guest room, giving Riyalin the much-needed time to sort out her feelings.

The hot water didn't help much, but it was at the very least soothing, if not for clarity.

She headed downstairs, getting the fire lit as she started making breakfast with a lighter heart.

The front door was thrown open, thunder-like steps marching to the kitchen without hesitation.

"Why aren't you at school?" Aris demanded, as soon as caught sight of his sister in the kitchen.

"Didn't feel like it. Why are you here?" Riyalin lifted her gaze to him, to see his armour slit, his uncovered arm burned and scarred.

"What happened?" Everything was forgotten as Riyalin approached him in inhuman speed, immediately scanning him for any further injuries.

"Our sister came to your school. She guessed Zane was your weak spot. She has him in her kingdom." Conflict rose in Riyalin's throat, unsure whether to care or to push those feelings down.

"That's not possible. Leo is guarding him." Riyalin said off-handedly, confident her advisor could fight almost as well as her.

"You don't understand. He wasn't there. He's with Ailani." Panic threatened to surface, but Riyalin swallowed it.

Eric chose to come down the stairs at that exact moment.

He took sight of the scene in the kitchen, and he dropped his head without a word.

In the blink of an eye, Riyalin was in front of him.

"What did you do?" Riyalin asked calmly, and Eric mumbled softly under his breath.

"I suggest you speak up." Her clothes had shed to become armour, wings unfolded, eyes as captivating as a chaotic storm.

"Kiyari told me to keep you occupied. I promise I forgot about it and I didn't mean for it to happen. I just-" 

Her sword was drawn, blade grazing the skin of his throat.

"Once a traitor always a traitor. I should never have tried to forgive you." Riyalin snarled, intending to end his life, but instead she lifted her sword and slammed him into a wall, forming cuffs of ice on his wrists.

"What are you going to do about Zane?" Aris asked from the door frame, getting a frown from Riyalin.

"I don't care about him." Riyalin replied nonchalantly, but Aris scoffed.

"There's no point lying to me. Or are you trying to convince yourself?" Riyalin was about to protest, but no matter how she thought about it, he was right.

Riyalin growled in annoyance and took flight, breaking the glass roof with little care.

The heat of summer was intense, too intense perhaps.

'It's Summer Solstice.' Riyalin thought to herself, irritated at not thinking before flying in.

Summer Palace stood tall in the glinting sun, but Riyalin didn't have time to admire beauty, not now.

She stormed the palace without thought, heading straight to throne room.

"Where is he?!" Riyalin growled, receiving a chuckle from Kiyari.

"That's no fun little sister. Chain her." Before she could react, two guards grabbed her hands and chained them, heat burning off the chains into her hands.

The guards by her tightened the chain, forcing more heat to cut through her skin.

Her vision faded in and out as she fought against the heat.

  "Where. Is. He." Riyalin ground out through gritted teeth, from pain and anger.  

"Right here." Kiyari gestured to a man behind Riyalin, bringing out a confused Zane.

Besides a slight bruise on his cheek, he seemed completely fine.

Another pair of footsteps sounded behind her, and she became desperate.

Forcing the last bit of her strength, she broke the chain.

She drew her sword and lunged at Kiyari, bringing the sword down into her sister's shoulder.

"Non-lethal. I hope you learn your lesson." Riyalin whispered just as her vision faded, falling into oblivion.

 A/N: Yay! Early update because I don't know when else I'll have time lmao. Enjoy :)

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