Not Rainbows and Unicorns

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Zane paid no mind to everyone's gasps and outcries as she stormed off, but instead he tried running after her.

A hand stopped him in his tracks, a hand that belonged to Leo.

He shook his head and gestured for Zane to follow him.

They went into the theatre, mostly empty because nothing good ever played there.

"What? I need to go find Riyalin." Zane pressured and Leo gave a humourless chuckle.

"Not right now you're not. Let her cool off. Chances are, she's gone off on a drive to ease it. Let her." Leo spoke far too calmly for Zane's liking.

"Do you even care ab-"

"He does. So do I. And I know her, just let her be for now." Ailani interjected as she stepped into the auditorium.

"Fine." Zane huffed, pushing himself on to one of the seats with an unsatisfied frown.

"If you want to go after her, then go ahead, but it won't be easy." Ailani relented after a moment, hesitant as she spoke.

But with every word from her mouth, Zane's face lit up.


After 20 minutes of a drive -in his own car at last-, Zane found the one-floored building Ailani had mentioned, fear creeping up him as he felt the temperature drop.

'This is definitely it then', Zane assured himself, keeping his footsteps as silent as possible, tip-toeing into the building.

As out of the way it was, it was still quite modern looking.

A wide building, with some curtains drawn and some shut.

The further in Zane walked, he heard the sound of loud crashing.

Ignoring his every rule, Zane ran into what he thought was the source of the noise, throwing open the door with as much force as he could muster.

Before he could react, he was on the floor, cold hands were wrapped around his neck, white wings spread out, almost as large as the entire empty room.

Zane looked into those eyes, instead of grey eyes, they were silver, and strangely, glowing.

"Hey, hey. Relax." Zane managed through her tight grip, slipping his hands from under her around her waist.

Without any warning, Zane pulled her close and her grip around his neck loosened.

She blinked a couple times, confusion and rage mingling as she stared into his eyes.

Her hands went limp, and she got up, wings folding as she turned her back on him, silent pride forcing her to harden again.

"Talk, I'll be right here." Zane sat up, trying to soothe her.

"Get out of here before I lose my temper." Her reply threw him off, and she turned around, eyes glowing still.

"I said, get. Out!" She growled, rage rolling off her in waves.

"Don't push me away, please." Zane pleaded, only to meet hard, silver eyes.

"I'm not messing around. I will kill you if you stay here." Her snarl made it clear, and Zane left, unsure why tears pricked his eyes as her harsh words replayed in his mind.


The entire room was covered in ice, some shards more precarious than others, but Riyalin didn't notice.

She focused on her breathing, white wings distracted her as they landed just outside the window she was facing, gentle smile on him as he approached the window.

No words passed between them as he touched the window, letting it freeze over before he smashed the entire thing, destroying the thin barrier between them.

He approached and wrapped his hands around her, engulfing her lithe figure in his large body.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." His voice was a mere whisper, but every part of Riyalin was tense, unsure how to react.

"Riyalin." He pleaded with only her name, but she found herself giving in, melting into his hold.

"Leo told me, and I promise, you will come to harm none if-"

 Riyalin's tsk made him stop talking, a sure signal she just wanted comfort, not advice.

"Zane came, didn't he?" Riyalin wasn't sure she liked how sharp his voice was when he mentioned Zane, as if just the mention of him was repulsive.

"Your point?" Riyalin asked, pulling out of his arms easily, scrutinising his frown.

"He's weak. You're a queen, Riy. You deserve," He took hold of her shoulders and intensified his eyes on hers.

"A king." He finished, with no sign of compromise in the matter.

"And what if I want only him?" Riyalin demanded, surprise taking over him.

"Riy." Anger tugged at her and she glared at him, shrugging his hands off her shoulders.

"Like you said, I am a queen. A ruler of my empire. My domain. Which means," At that, Riyalin moved back, her eyes glowing once more with anger.

"My decision is my own." Riyalin growled, pushing past him and the broken window, taking flight in the harsh winter, identical to her anger.

A/: Any idea who this mystery guy is? A king? An ex? Another Estran? I'll update soon :)

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