Moments Like These Deserve to Be Captured (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)

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See I never planned on falling for THE Niall Horan. I mean, who does? It's not like "HEY, let's find Niall and fall in love with him!" well I'm sure Directioners think that but to be honest I never really even paid much attention to the boys. They were everywhere so of course I knew who they were but it's not like I stalked them, I mean don't get me wrong, their hot!

So anyways, I wasn't trying to fall in love with him. I didn't plan for any of it. It just happened.

Chapter 1:

I woke up at 7:45. Shit, I was supposed to be in school by now. I jumped up and got ready in 5 minutes. Yes I am a girl that doesn't take half the day to get ready. I ran out the door, locking it quickly and ran to the train station. But of course, since the world hates me the trains were delayed. Asshole MTA, get your shit together (A/N seriously MTA, get your shit together). I decided it wasn't worth it and skipped school all together.

HA; bad idea. "Ma'am, aren't you supposed to be in school?" I turned around to face two police officers. Shiiiiiiiiit nuggets-- yes I really said that-- "er... Um.. I don't live here. I uh.. Live in... Texas?" I squeaked. Hey I wasn't lying! I did have a house there. "We're gonna need to see some ID."

"I don't have any. I didn't think I would need it..."

"Right. So the book bag is just a coincidence?"

"Hey you try walking around with a camera and maps! A bag is needed sir!"

"Uh huh."

After a couple minutes of arguing-- and showing him my contents of my bag-- he finally let me through. I decided Times Sq would be a perfect place to go. I got there in 20 minutes flat. Once I was outside I heard my ringer go off. I checked my phone and saw my best friend Taly had messaged me "Where are you?" I quickly responded telling her I skipped school and asked her politely to get my homework for me. I shut off my phone knowing she'd go on full on raging mode for skipping school. Such a nerd she was..

I was walking so fast while texting I didn't notice I was in the middle of the streets. Tons of cars beeped and a couple of taxi drivers yelled at me. Well this was embarrassing. "GET OUTTA THE STREETS GIRL!" "GO FUCK YOURSELF." I shouted, giving him the finger. Totally normal in New York (A/N srsly it is). I felt a hand grab my arm and I instantly elbow whoever was behind me and turned and kneed him in the nuts.

"Oh shit I'm sorry! You don't do that to a girl in my defense!"

I looked down to see a boy around my age holding his nuts tenderly. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and looked like-- oh shit. Did I just knee Niall Horan in the nuts?

"Hi." he groaned "I'm Niall."

"OH MY GOD. I'm SO sorry Niall! Dammit boy why would you sneak up on me like that?!" I glared at him. He looked up and winced "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help you out of the streets cause ya know, I didn't want you to DIE!" he scowled. GAH! He's so cute.. I just wanna pinch his cheeks. Look at his eyes... "Uh.. You ok?? You look.. High." I snapped back to reality and blushed furiously. "Sorry. You ok?" he stood up. "yeah I'm fine." I sighed and grabbed his arm, "what're you doing?" he looked from left to right kind of nervously. "Relax, I'm not gonna kill you." "THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY!" he shouted. By this time people were giving us a look and some girls even noticed that Niall freaking Horan was just kneed in the nuts by me and were now giving me the mean eye. I scoffed, you don't scare me I thought.

"Niall I am trying to get us out of the streets before we get killed." surprisingly enough, we weren't killed yet. He nodded slightly embarrassed. I started walking and he clung onto me for dear life "um.. Are you sure this is safe??" he looked scared shitless. "Nope." he whipped his head to look at me "WHAT?!?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm from Brooklyn; relax." this time he glared. "And I'm from Ireland. What's your point?" "My point is I know how to cross. See? We're on the sidewalk." he looked around and relief washed over his face. He looked back at me. "Thanks." he said quietly. "Welcome. By the way, my name is Lisa." he looked up and smiled. "I'm Ni--" "I know who you are." I interrupted. He laughed for the first time. I smiled back at him in response. "So I'll see ya later I guess." he looked up and opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a scream "OhMiGawd. It's Niall Horan. Niall I love you. TAKE ME TO IRELAND AND LETS MAKE SOME BABIES." what in the actual fuck? He coughed and smiled looking embarrassed "Hey babe, what can I do for ya?" the girl nearly fainted. "Can I have a picture? And an autograph? Can you follow me? Oh and I love you." "Uh sure thing." he smiled and did as she requested. After she left he turned to me. "Care for some tea?" tea??? "Sure." I smiled, there was no way I'd pass on a tea with Niall freaking Horan. We walked to the nearest Starbucks making small talk. I found out he was here with the rest of the boys for a month or so because he had an upcoming show in MSG. I tried not to freak out at this recent news. We made it to Starbucks and since it was only 8:00am on a school day, the only people there were old people and some couples. We went up to the register and ordered. When we got our drinks, we went to the back and sat quietly for a couple of minutes. "Hey shouldn't you be in school?" I snorted. "I skipped." he gasped and looked at me as if I said I murdered his mom and was now after him. "What?" he looked nervous. "wouldn't you get in trouble?" I laughed. "You're cute, nah I'm from Texas." I winked at him. He blushed and looked down at his drink. "So uh, what grade are you in?" "12th" "Oh that's.. Fantastic." I shrugged. "Eh, no big deal, just can't wait to get out of here." "How come?" he asked. His blue eyes captivated my brown ones and I lost my train of thought. "um.. I uh." I stared deep into his eyes before shaking my head and blushing. "I just wanna have a life of my own. It's scary at the same time but I'm eager to see the world for myself. I want to experience things I never have before. I'm ready for a change I guess." I explained. He looked up at me and smiled. "Anything in mind?" I bit my lip and looked away. "What?" I looked back at him wondering if I could trust him. "I want to be a singer but I'm not so sure I can make it.. I don't even think I can sing."

"Nonsense. I'm sure you can sing." I gave him a weird look. "No way. YOU can sing. I can't." "Alright, then sing for me. I'll tell you the truth." I looked at him if he were crazy.

"No way."






I looked at him weirdly as did the other customers around us. I apologized and turned to glare at him. "What the hell Niall!" he shrugged. "A man has needs." "WHAT?" he shrugged again and stood up and motioned for me to get up as well. "Where are we going?" he smiled. "You're gonna meet the boys."

I froze. I was about to meet the rest of one direction. Holy shit. I am so glad I skipped school today. Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the stores where tons of paps stood waiting for him. Shit. I let go of his hand while they took tons of pictures. He looked at me with a confused face before he grabbed my hand again. "Niall who is that?" "Is she your girl friend?" "Do you like him or do you want the fame!" "NIALL WHAT ABOUT DEMI?" Niall pushed his way out of the crowd while holding me close to his chest. My heart was racing in my chest. I looked up at him. He looked down and smiled. We raced to catch a cab and he gave the driver directions. "Sorry about that. I didn't think they would be here." he frowned. His phone started ringing and he picked it up. "Hello?" I heard screaming. "Oh hi Louis." he paused and I swear I heard something about carrots and Kevin. Whose Kevin?? "Already?" more screaming. He groaned and face palmed. "Yeah I'm headed there now. Bye." he looked up "Be ready." he muttered.

What did that mean?

Hey guys I hope you like it! Please tell me what you think!

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Moments Like These Deserve to Be Captured (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now