Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned but stood up and stretched. It was 5am. I wake up every morning (except yesterday) at this time to go for a morning jog. I pulled my sweats, sweater and my running shoes on and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I took a quick glance in the mirror before heading out. My eyes had bags under them and my bangs were so long that they covered one of my eyes. I pushed them out of my eyes, grabbed a water bottle and ran out the door locking it quickly behind me. I did a 30 minute jog around the neighborhood before coming home and taking a quick shower. When I got out the shower it was already 6:15. I rushed to my room to put on my clothes and then went downstairs for some breakfast. At 6:35 I headed out the door to the train station. I put on my headphones and leaned my head against the railing. Before I knew it, I was at school.

"Lisa!" I looked up to see Taly waving to me. I walked over to her and smiled. "Hey!" she glared. "Why'd you cut yesterday?" I shrugged, "I woke up way too late and I wasn't about to come to school! I went to Times Sq." she looked at me. "Well. I have your homework. I'm not sure Ms.Chapple is happy with you by the way." I shrugged it off. "Oh well."

She handed me my homework and I smiled kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks! Love you!" she rolled her eyes. "Love you too." just then the bell rang. I raced to class not even paying attention, mostly just texting the boys.

NiallerPoo! :

Hey love, what're you up to? (: xx


Niall save me. I'm in school.

NiallerPoo! :

Aw it's not that bad!


Ya it is.

NiallerPoo! :

Well after school wanna hang out? Just us 2.

I thought about it for a minute.



NiallerPoo! :

Great. I can't wait to see you(: xx

I smiled and stared at the text. I couldn't believe it. In a couple of hours I'd be on a date with THE Niall Horan. Well not a date but I'd be with him. That's all that mattered.

"Miss. Martinez?"

I looked up. "Hm?" "I asked you a question." "Oh um.. Can you repeat it?" he glared but repeated his question. I answered and he nodded which told me I was correct. School dragged on and finally the last bell rang. "Hey Lisa! Wanna go to the mall?" I looked up to see my friend Maria looking at me waiting for an answer. Her blue eyes reminded me of Niall. I shook my head. "Can't. I have plans already!" she frowned but nodded. "Next time then!" she shouted as she ran off campus. I smiled and nodded. "Sure." I yelled after her.

I raced out the door and ran to the train. My phone rang and I picked up.


"Hey it's Niall." I loved his accent.

"Hello Niall." I smiled.

"So um meet me by my hotel?" he asked nervously.

"Sure. I'll see you there."

"Great." I could hear his smile.


He hesitated. "Bye."

I hung up and got on the train. I made it to his hotel in 30 minutes. He was already there waiting for me in a hoodie and sunglasses. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Hi Niall." I whispered into his ear. "Hi." he said it in a husky voice. I pulled away blushing. We started walking talking a bit about our family and life.

Moments Like These Deserve to Be Captured (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now