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It was not a surprise that a werewolf would have heightened senses, even when they hadn't transformed, Jasper had simply accepted this as a fact and had, over time, grown more accustomed to the consistent onslaught on the senses that life brought. Having just returned to a human state, it was all the more intense than usual. Of course, he was only a newly infected werewolf, so he struggled at times, but the hope of it becoming simply his ordinary made it altogether far more bearable. It was bearable.

Or at least was usually bearable. He had lived on a farm up until the last few months, and so he thought he was rather good at handling the odd unpleasant scent or noise, but this was something else.

He had barely been aware that the other person was speaking, having accidently deposited himself in his room in search for Dr. Jekyll's, and proceeded to ramble consistently. More specifically, he was unaware of any actual words being spoken, so slurred as they were by the alcohol previously consumed on the antics of the night – antics that Hyde was less than legibly attempting to regale the poor werewolf of, draped over his bed causing Jasper to linger awkwardly by the wall – making any one word unintelligible. That by itself could have been alright, but the fellow's voice was harsh, a hoarseness that was completely grating on the ears, the occasional shrillness that crept in feeling like an assault, though he felt it would be rude for him to flinch, so he forced himself into stillness.

And the stench!

Blimey! He thought he was pretty good with all that, but it was all he could do to not flee his own room, a feat that took the extent of his self-control. If only the alcohol was the worst of the unpleasantly mixing scents, something cheap but strong having been spilt on him at some stage in the evening, an odd mixture of colognes and perfumes – none of which was his own – fighting a losing battle against the sweat and other pheromones that felt very much as if it was attempting to blind him with it's intensity. To make it worse, Hyde rolled across the bed to be closer to where Jasper stood, an all the more intense wave causing him to whine quietly in the back of his throat.

Demanding attention, Edward stretched his arms out, his hands grabbing for the other at a distance, causing the sandy haired male to jump a little, ever the nervous fellow, squeaking a little in perhaps not the most mature way, which clearly delighted the other chap, who laughed a laugh that was shrill and unpleasant, making him flinch, mere seconds away from clasping his hands over his ears.

The situation was certainly not ideal, no, far from it, the odd little fellow being far too close to dragging him into a sensory overload that he was honestly far too tired to deal with fully, all he wanted was a quick nap but this was denied him, his bed being infested with the unpleasant man's presence. He bit back a sigh. It was going to be a long morning.

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