Humorous misconceptions

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The rich purple of the glass glittered in the candlelight, the royal hue melting into a deep, emerald green that lightened considerably over the long minute that the vial was held up in the light. Finally, after what felt like an excruciating long time, made all the longer by a voice that simultaneously belonged to himself and a stranger whispering horrid, unrepeatable corruptions of the soul and ghastly sins into his ear. Could he really justify doing this again? Of course not, but the exchange offered him at least a moment of much needed relief. For even the briefest of reliefs, he truly would offer his soul to the devil, and in a way, he had.

The glass was cold against his bottom lip, cold and ever so tempting. He shouldn't, this he knew full well, but, god, it was good, irresistible almost. The liquid contained in the beaker had grown to the temperature of the air, but the moment it filled his mouth and was swallowed away everywhere the liquid had touched felt as though it was burning. His nerves were quickly set aflame, his skin felt as though it was stretching and altering, absolute agony shocking his senses, causing him to drop to his knees, his eyes screwed up tight.

It hurt.

By god, did it hurt.

It hurt so much.

It felt wrong.

It felt so horrible.

It felt so sickening.

It felt so good.

Good god, it felt amazing!
Once dark hair fell in golden waved cascading about the man's face, brushing a tuft from his unnaturally green eyes with one taloned hand. A burst of laughter shook through his body, his head thrown back with the force, making his pathetic attempt at fixing his hair wholly redundant.

It took an effort to regain what little composure he could muster, still shaking just a little bit. He took a deep, almost sensual breath, running his hand through his hair once more, relishing the glorious feeling that came from being himself.


He really didn't want to be a bother. No, he was sure that Dr. Jekyll had far more important matters to attend to, but he had said that if he needed to help, he just needed to ask, and he was in need of some help, or at least someone to bounce ideas off.

Oh, he didn't want to bother the proper scientists, but he could do it, he wasn't going to be an inconvenience, or at least he hoped that would be the case.

It was the middle of the night after all, he didn't want to intrude at such a late hour, the man surely needed to rest after all. Did Dr. Jekyll rest? He wasn't quite sure.

What the young werewolf was sure of, however, was that he had been standing in the hallway, only a few footsteps away from the door for far too long that it was certainly getting odd, or at least it felt odd from his own perspective.

Jasper almost turned to leave, but an odd, almost moaning breath was audible even from the distance he stood, followed moments later by the door he was so hesitant to knock swinging open.



There was most certainly not meant to be anybody else out at that hour, or at least not so close to Jekyll's laboratory. His unsettlingly green eyes met the startled brown of the young werewolf's and, in an odd reflex left over from the dreadfully tedious Jekyll, his hand found itself resting against his chest, able to feel the intense racing of heart that came as a result of the formula. His green waistcoat was perfectly fine, crinkled certainly but it was not what made his stomach drop, but instead it was the cravat.


Fucking shit.

He had grabbed the wrong bloody cravat. Of course he did, the one ruddy night he had to run into someone they both knew he had to fuck up and wear something that was custom made for the doctor. Bloody hell.

"I... I didn't know you both were sleepin' together?" the farm chap asked.

This question came as much a relief to the man. Their secret was not so easily exposed, thank god, and not only that, the misconception was absolutely hilarious! Sleeping together! It was all he could do to not cackle at the absurdity of it all.

"Why?" Hyde asked, taking a step or two forward, deciding it was not only easier to play along, but far funnier for him to do so, "Did you want to join us?" As he spoke, his voice a low croon, he gently ran a finger across the taller farmer's jaw. Or at least until Jasper jumped back, waving his handing in a panicked denial.

"N-no! I... I jus' didn't know, that's all!"

The squeak in the young man's voice delighted the other, who was doing all he could to prevent the hysteria burning in the back of his throat from taking him.

"Suit yourself, option's always there. I'm sure Henry would be most delighted for you to join us," he paused to enjoy the blushing of the other's cheeks before adding, "But I wouldn't disturb him right now, he's hardly in a state to see others."

Hyde winked and licked his lips, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, and with that, he leapt out the nearest window and out into the night, leaving Jasper reeling in the hallway for several moments longer.

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