Forever on the Wrong Foot

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Upon the windowsill, illuminated by the setting sun sat a creature with hair of spun gold, eyes greener than that of any plant the known world could hold, skin like parchment with the adornment of mesmirisingly turquoise veins. As the gradually fading sunlight glowed, he appeared almost angelic in his perch, watching the earthly beings with a kind of wonderment that could only come from one so unfamiliar with such a world.
This appearance had managed to last for a whole of five minutes before it was broken when he tragically opened his mouth. In his defense, it seemed that Edward Hyde could only really last around five minutes of being quiet before it - it being both his thoughts and his lack of impulse control - got all too much for the tiny little man.

"And what in the name of bleedin' fucks do you think you're looking at?" the significantly unangelic figure barked at whoever so happened to get too close to where he had decided to lurk until it grew to such an hour that all the delights that he could so hope for would be presented to him on a metaphoric silver platter. Not that he would be complaining if it was a literal silver platter either.
The unfortunate individual that so happened to have Edward's misplaced hostility thrown at just so happened to have been the elegant purple clad member of the aristocracy that went by the name of Robert Lanyon, who had just so happened to have made the mistake of letting his attention wander a little bit too much.

"I beg your pardon?" the other called back in the particular sort of tone that suggested that this was not an asking for clarification but rather providing the previous speaker the opportunity to rethink what they had just said. Unfortunately the blond did not have this subtlety or common decency, and while Lanyon was painfully aware of this, he had not completely given up hope.

"I said," came the response, the rolling of the speaker's eyes more clear from his tone than it was in his eyes themselves, "'What in the name of' and I think this might have been where you got lost, 'bleedin' fucks do you think you're looking at?'. A question that is still very much being proposed to you."

"You flatter yourself, sir," the gentleman began, his nose wrinkling up with a clear display of displeasure, "If you think I would ever direct even a moment more of my attention than I absolutely have to."

"Oh, you wound me, Robert!" Hyde exclaimed, knowing full well that the other despised hearing his name come from the mouth of Edward Hyde, "Am I not worth even a scrap of your ever so precious attention then?" He paused, let out an ungodly sort of laugh that would have set even the most dispositionally strong individual on edge, "I dare say you are the one flattering yourself if you think I would even want the likes of you thinking about me!"

"And what, pray tell, do you mean by the likes of me?" Just a touch of the civility that Lanyon was obligated to show the man had well and truly frozen over as he spoke this, but the frost tragically did not quite reach the man of which it had been intended.

"Oh, you know," Edward began, as nonchalant as he could be, waving a scandalously ungloved hand about, "The tedious sort that seems to have nothing better to do in their lives than to turn their noses up at anyone they have decided it would be amusing to consider inferior to themselves! Such tedious hypocrites are the absolute worst sort of person to walk on the face of the earth!"

"Does your employer know of your dreadful views on mankind? Surely not, otherwise I am sure he would have instilled some manners into you!"

Now, at the mention of one Dr. Henry Jekyll, the already poorly maintained nonchalance managed to entirely vanish in a flash of emotional lightning that shook his small, deceptively fragile looking form. The smug grin that had been dancing upon his face only moments ago had melted into a snarl of animalistic fury, teeth bared, cheeks twitching from the sheer strain of the emotions that he no longer was bothering to even try to contain.

"Henry agrees with me, you bastard!" he shouted, all of a sudden very aware that what he was saying was the truth, a clarity that he was not usually free to feel. "Henry agrees that people who could never shed a scrap of decency for those below them are the absolute scum of the earth! To speak of dreadful views of mankind like you do without ever daring to consider that your own were anything less than perfect makes you a hypocrite in your own eyes and a liar in the eyes of those aristocratic vermin that you lot are so determined to let dictate when you can breath and when it is supposed to be acceptable to even be alive!"

"You have no understanding of the reality of the world, Mr. Hyde," the other replied, speaking with more venom than he usually dared to even consider entertaining, "You cannot exist without your place in the world and if it is not ruined you will be ruined! To even be seen talking to you by someone with less than pleasant intentions could have me ruined!" This was a very real fear that had so cruelly ruled not only his own life but all those who were trapped in an unsteady social standing.

"I understand more than you ever fucking could, Hastie!"

A complete silence followed Edward's outburst. He knew that he had passed a line that even he would not have ordinarily dared to cross. Without uttering a single word, apology or otherwise, Edward Hyde swallowed back whatever he had been intending to say before he managed to royally mess up and, without skipping even a single beat, turned on his haphazardous perch and flung himself out of the window and into the night.

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