Chapter 18: Sucky Short Chapter

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Stampy's POV

We spent the next two hours at the hospital doing nothing but watching Delia and talking about the trip that we were going to take to America. The only interesting thing that happened was me trekking back home or back bags for both of us. I decided only to pack the important items and nothing else. So all me and Squid had was four shirts, two jumpers/jackets, two pairs of jeans, a oversized sleeping top, some underwear and some socks. That was about it. Somehow all of that stuff managed to fit into my tiny rucksack. The only reason I wasn't bringing two was because, when I mentioned bringing two bags, Squid seemed a bit off around the idea. Maybe it was because he was scared of the people who inspected you and your bag just before the gates.

I had no idea what we were going to do when we got to America. I mean, we would most likely go to the hospital so Squid and Delia could have their operations yet they would both have to recover for at least two days. That meant if I couldn't stay overnight with Squid...I would have to stay at a hotel by myself. Just thinking of something like that made shivers run down my back. I never liked staying alone in hotel rooms. I think it was because Squid forced me to watch to many horror movies in my life. And now...It's just given me a phobia of hotel rooms as well as being alone for long periods of time.

When the clock struck six Delias main doctor walked in and started to explain how we were going to take Delia on the plane and other stuff. Apprently we were boarding on a two floor plane and all the pataits were going to be on the bottom floor and everybody else was going to be on the top floor of the plane. It kinda scared me at just how many people needed to get to America to have operations that could save their life. Once she had finished talking she started to un-tie Delia from all of the machinery that was around her. Even though it sounded horrible but she looked weird without all the tubes and wires around her.

I picked up my rucksack that was laying against the chair and slipped it over one of my shoulders. Squid slipped his hand into mine and we waited for the doctor to do whatever she needed to do to Delia. Ever since she came into here I have seen her apperance change almost completly. Her hair was so brital that if you pulled it even slightly then it would just fall out, her blue eyes were almost white and her arms where so skinny that I could wrap my hand around her upper arm and still have room to move around. As soon as she was out of the hospital I was going to make sure that she went on a diet to put on weight. She desprelty needed it.

Her doctor then slipped her into a wheelchair and started to wheel her though the endless hallways, down lifts, and out the back of the hospital. We entered a thing alleyway that was very poorly lit. Coming from the wheelchair I could hear a slight whimpering sound. Delia's left eye was open and tears were pouring out of it. Jeez, it was almost impossible not to lift her out of that wheelchair and pull her into a hug. She must be terrified, the poor thing. Yet I didn't really blame her. This alleyway looked almost identical to the alley in which...Well...Was the reason she came into here!

Me, Squid, Delia, and around three doctors clambered into a ambulance that was slighter larger than usual. The doctor laid Delia down on the bed and started putting all of the tubes, wires, and other stuff all over her body. What really scared me though was the fact that she was doing it while the amblance was moving at light speeds. It was fast even for me. And I was sitting down! With every jolt, movement and shake the ambulance did sent another wave of fear thoughout me. Why couldn't they just wait unitl she finished putting her on a life support machine before driving off?

I stared out the window at the grey outside. Even though the windows were ever so. Slightly tinted it still looked scary. Black clouds lingered like nearby death in the sky while mist stopped me from seeing more than I mile in front of me. Sometimes I just think the weather knows how I'm feeling and plays along with it. Recently it has seemed that way.

"Stampy..." Squid mumbled. I glanced back down at him. "Is it a bad time to say that I'm scared of flying?" I could start to feel that he was shaking ever so slightly.

"It's okay Squiddy, trust me. Planes are, like, the safest mode of transport in the world! The plane we're going on will be even safer! They won't put us on a un-safe plane with Delia, Squid. Once we have taken off it will be fine." I replied. I ran my fingers though his messy hair before kissing him on his forehead. He chuckled slightly.

"Thanks. Can I go to sleep now?" I nodded. Within seconds he was on my shoulder, fast asleep, snoring softly. Even though I knew, I just knew, that Delia would be safe....I was still scared as heck.


Sorry it was so short! From now on I may only be able to update once or twice a week. Sorry guys! School! Please don't unfollow me! Love me! Please! XD

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