Chapter 47: I'm Coming Home

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Rileys POV

I couldn't believe it! Me and Cassy were finally getting a stable home! It wasn't exactly with our parents, I mean, that would be impossible. They were dead now. But this was going to be the next best thing. It still was going to be amazing though. Living in a house without worrying about saving up money to buy food, get clothes, or wonder about what would happen if the police found us. After a stressful four months I was finally going to be able to relax. Cassy was lucky. She didn't have to worry about anything. Well, I hoped she didn't at least. I constantly told her that everything would be alright and she had nothing to worry about. Most of the time it seemed to work apart from the first week after our parents had died in that car crash. She woke up every single night multiple times, screaming out my name...begging me to get our parents back. It was so hard that to tell her that our parents wouldn't be coming back for a long...long time. Even though I acted 'brave', I certainly wasn't. I still sometimes woke up with the sound of Cassy's screams ringing loudly in my head. She screamed so much on the day of the crash. She screamed when the firemen had to cut her out of the car, she screamed when she got the neck brace on her, she screamed when she got out into the ambulance...And I had lost count of the amount of time's that she screamed in hospital. It wasn't because she was scared...It was much worse then that. She was in physical pain. 

Just thinking of that day made tears sting in my eyes. I tightened my grip on Cassy's frozen fingers and quickened my pace to catch up with the others. For people who job's are to play video game all day, Delia's parents walked very fast. Delia herself walked quite fast as well, but every few seconds she would turn around to see if I was still there. And every time I did so I made the smile that was on my face even bigger then it already was. I couldn't help but be happy. I was finally escaping from my land of worry! I wouldn't have to worry about getting caught stealing food so that I could live, I wouldn't have to worry about freezing to death or becoming homeless, the main worries that all people have. I still didn't know if David and Joe were going to kick me out after Christmas, but if they did, then at least I would be well fed and slightly happier then I was before I went into their house. The only reason why I thought that they would kick me out was because Joe said that both me and Cassy would be able to live with them until we got things 'sorted out'. What did he mean by that? Did he mean our education? Or our money situation? Or did he just mean until we stopped grieving for our dead parents? I know that when he was younger his parents used to abuse him, but surely he must understand that some parents actually cared for their kids? My mum and dad were the best in the entire world! 

All of these questions ran through my mind as I continued to run behind my small and most likely temporary family. I could sense that Cassy was struggling behind me and for a second I thought about carrying her. Yet right when that thought came into my mind all of us had to run across a road that had cars driving towards us at all directions. I could hear her stumble over her feet a few times. Well, a few times was an understatement. I could literally hear her knees getting scraped and cut open on the concrete road. It made me cringe but until we got to the train station I was just going to have to deal with hearing her  whimper slightly. After around ten minutes had passed I felt Cassy tug on the hem of my oversized coat that I was wearing. It used to be my fathers...Until the accident happened. It was made out of a thick leather which protected me from all of the elements of the weather. Rain, wind, snow, cold, you name it, this thing had protected me from it. Smiling, I glanced down at her. Unlike me, she didn't look happy at all. The whole of her body shook from the cold air and fear that she must have been feeling. Both of her shins also looked destroyed. There was cuts and bruises covering them. Probably from that road that I had to run across earlier. 

I was about to open my mouth to talk to her when she burrowed her face into my waist, the place were her head ended, and closed her eyes. She was going to fall asleep right now if the train station didn't come into sight soon. I could see the struggle in her face as she desperately tried to keep her eyelids from closing. Luckily, right at that moment, the train station came into sight. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up bridal style. Once she was lifted off the ground I sprinted as fast as I could until I was walking next to Delia. It had seemed like everybody had slowed down now that we were outside of the place that we were trying to get into. When all of the tickets were brought we stepped out of the ticket office/gift shop only to see that we had to go down multiple flights of stairs. It seemed to take forever but it was worth it when we got onto the platform. There were benches everywhere. I sat down, placing Cassy next to me, and breathed in the icy air. I still found it hard to believe that it was winter. It only seemed like yesterday that it was summer. 

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