Chapter 7: Suicide

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Delia's POV

They were here. They were finally here! After three, long weeks they finally saw me awake. And I saw them. Even though it felt like I closed my eyes for a few seconds and woke up again it had been four, long weeks. I missed out on a whole load of school work, and just missed out on a lot of things in general. It didn't really bother me that much. I was only worried about was both of my parents did while I was in the coma.

I stared down at my body. There was so many tubes that I could hardly see it at first. Most of the tubes led to drips and blood supplies but one of them lead to the side of my stomach. When I followed the thick tube back up to the drop in which it was attached to, I was a little bit shocked to see that there was nothing in it. I was about to pull it out when my finger brushed across my stomach. I couldn't help but flinch and help for a second.

One of the doctors walked into the room as soon as I started to try and relax again even though that my stomach felt like it was getting twisted a million times. The doctor pulled out a clipboard and walked over to my drips. She scribbled something down before she took the empty drip that I had, grabbed a syringe and started filling it up with a light brown substance that had black dots scattered in it. She then picked up her board and walked out without saying a word.

There was a muffled buzzing sound before I felt my stomach twisting even tighter. I gripped onto both Joe and David's hand during the whole ten minutes of whatever the heck was going on, until I realised what it was doing. The drip was practically feeding me! No...No I was going to become the overweight mess I was before I came into here. I loosed my grip and slipped both of my hands back underneath the covers before moving them around until I found the drip in which the nutrition drip or whatever it's called was entering my stomach. I pressed my fingers against the side and felt a sense of relief when I could no longer feel any more of it.

The same doctor walked back into the room and leaned against the table that was at the end of my bed. She was reading something on the clipboard. From where I was laying I autocratically noticed the words 'donor', 'kidney', 'liver', as well as 'stomach'. Did they get damaged in the whole of the Neko and her friends ganging up on me incident?

"Delia. As you may, or may not know, in the incident that happens your kidneys, liver, and stomach got badly damaged. We are currently in the process of finding a donor but the issue is that your blood type is the rarest. Negative O. There are only a million people in this country with this blood type so unfortunately we may not. Be able to give you the medication you need." I felt a sense of fear come over me. I knew what would happen if my organs didn't get changed. Death. I glanced over at other David and Joe, who looked grief-stricken.

"Is...Is there anything else we could do?" Joe asked desperately.

"Well...You can both have a test to see if your organs are well enough to be donated. Also, something I didn't mention, but we have to perform a gastric band operation on Delia." I knew I was overweight. I just knew it. "It isn't because of her weight, in fact be were hesitant to do it. But it's because most of her stomach is destroyed. There is one section in which does work so she will have to use that for the rest of her life. The rest of her stomach was so badly damaged that she can't use it. Ad if he he did, then the food item would spill out of her, as well as her stomach acids. Her stomach acids would then burn and corrode her insides, killing her in a very long and painful matter. That is why there is a nutrition tube leading into her intestines." She explained.

I felt an even greater wave of fear rush throughout me. I...I was going to die. That wasn't so bad. Yet if I was going to did in one of the most painful ways possible...I was truly terrified. Both Joe and David stared at the doctor for a few seconds before Joe stood up and walked back into the hallway. David followed after him after ten seconds of sitting in silence. When they were both gone the doctor also walked out, leaving me alone.

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