Chapter 44: I Love You?

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Delia's POV

When I got out of the bath I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom, and quickly made my way into the room that I was going to share with Riley tonight. Riley...For some reason a tingle went down my spine whenever I thought of her. She and her little sister weren't fighting anymore so I guess that, somehow, David had calmed both of them down. Either that or they both couldn't be bothered to fight anymore. Speaking of David, he was in the living room, talking to somebody on the phone. Judging by his tone of voice he was most likely talking to the hospital about something to do with Joe's treatment. Jeez, what could be so bad about the treatment that he had to call up everyday and asked about it. I stopped walking, pulled the towel up slightly and stared at him from the doorframe. He was pacing back and forth in the living room, running his free hand through his visably tangled hair. Every so often he would freeze as if somebody had pushed a pause button on his movements. Yet once he started moving again it seemed like he had gotten much more tense. Sighing, I slipped into the hallway that led to the bedrooms and walked into my one. Well, mine and Rileys bedroom

She was sitting on her bed, on her phone, scrolling through what I guessed to be a random social media website. The clothes she was wearing though were amazing! It was like a nightgown, but not the type that somebody out of the Victorian Era would wear. It was made put of pure, dark blue silk. Trimmed around the bottom hem of the nightgown was pure white lace. There was also the same lace on the ends of the short, short sleeves that the nightgown has. The cut of the gown was actually quite short, ending just above her knees. Yet to cover up her slightly chubby legs she wore long, black, lacy socks. If I was being totally honest, right now, Riley looked like a model. I quickly made my way over to my bag and pulled out the clothes that I was planning to sleep in. A yellow jumper and thin sleeping shorts. Compared to the night clothes that Riley seemed to own this looked like a binbag. Once I had changed I tossed my bag to one side and leaned up against the wall. 

After a while of doing nothing but daydream about random stuff Riley got up from her bed and walked over to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and stood there for a few seconds, not saying a single word. I stared into her blue eyes, took a step towards her, my face fell into her chest and I burst into baby tears. There wasn't even a definate reason why I was crying. Maybe it was just...Because of everything that was going on right now. From Joe going into hospital to David calling the hospital everyday to even traveling alone for the first time, maybe all of these things were starting to take a toll on my health. Mental health that is. She wrappped her arms around my body, which only made me cry even harder. I tried to muffle these cries so David wouldn't get suspicous and come into the room to see what was going on. It wasn't because I didn't want him to see me crying but it was because I didn't have a reason to use to say why I was crying. Then when I didn't say anything he was bound to raise his hand and smack me, like he had done before.

I felt Riley's  hand place itself underneath my chin and lift the whole of my head upwards. I had no other choice but to stare into her beauiftul, crystal blue eyes. They seemed to sparkle in the dim light of the room that was radiating from the lamp on her bedside table. Her hair looked so soft and warm when she was standing right in front of me. Just everything about her seemed perfect. Unlike me. I had tangled, long, black hair and mucky green eyes. Not only that but my body was just mainly skin and bones. I would kill to have a proper stomach and thicker arms. I find it crazy that girls want to look as skinny as me! I mean, we all look up to somebody that we want to be like but...Girls, and boys for that matter, go to extreme lenghts to look like the people do in magazines.

Riley took a step closer so that our foreheads were touching. In one, sudden movement, she closed her eyes and our lips pressed togther. A mixed rush of fear and pleasure ran throughout my body. Goosebumps rose up on my skin. Was...Was Riley kissing me? I was too frozen to pull away so I stood there, my arms still wrapped around her body. After the two longest minites in my life out lips parted and our foreheads went back to touching A large blush covered the bottom half of her face and small tears could be seen welling up in her eyes. I took a step away from her and sprinted as fast as I could towards my bag. I threw it onto my back and turned on my heel to stare at Riley. She was staring at the ground, small sobs coming out of her mouth. Why the heck did she kiss me?! Did she have some sort of crush on me or something? Shakily, I ran out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door and bumping into somebody right away. I tripped over my own to feet and fell to the floor with a bump.

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