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Skylar always knew she was a Royal. The Southern Royal to be exact, but when she loses her family in an unexpected rouge attack. Sky runs for her life because her older brother told her to. When she finds herself on Fallen Warriors territory and gets taken in, reality sinks in. Grief takes her, she shuts herself off from the world, living at the far end of the pack house... But the Alpha's son brings her back out of her shell a little, bring her just into the rim of the light.

Will the Alpha's son bring her further into the light, or would he push her back further into the darkness.

Read to find out!

1st book: The Golden Warrior She-wolf

2nd book: Hidden Royals


Skylar Nelson

- Meaning: The sky/ Guard; scholar

- Alpha female/ Southern Luna of the Werewolves

- Was apart of the Evergreen pack

- Siblings: believed to be dead.

- Bronze hair, dark chocolate brown eyes, 6'1 and starting at 12, then going to 17

- Wolf: Pure bronze

- Wolfs name: Sabrina

- Meaning of Sabrina: Legendary princess

- Mate: Alpha of the Fallen Warriors

- Royal mark: Tribal wings


Skylar's P.O.V

Damien and I were playing in the back yard, Mum was watching from the porch and Dad was busy with his Beta. Then suddenly, we heard several growls erupt from everywhere. Mum told us to get inside and she changed into her wolf, howling, letting the pack know of the danger. I saw a black wolf with something red on it's shoulder came out of the woods. Dad bolted out of the house, shifted and growled at the intruder.

The intruder growled back and a whole lot of wolves came out of he trees, they started attacking us, killing us. Mum came over and told us to get on her shoulders, we did as we were told and Mum bolted out the shelter of the pack house and into the forrest. "Mum! Where are we going?!" Damien yelled. 'To get help my boy!' She replied in our heads, picking up the pace. We heard a growl behind us and Mum tried going faster but had to stop as a brown wolf with the same red shoulder as the black wolf came closer and closer.

'Kids listen to me! Run! Get help! Run!' Mum yelled at us, facing the small wolf. Damien grabbed my arm and we ran. We ran for 10 minutes until we heard a howl from Mummy. "Mummy!" I screamed. Damien made me face him and said, "Sis! We need split up! That wolf will track us if we're together, it can't with us apart!" "No! We need stay together!" I screamed. "I know, but we can't now! Run, get help!" He said, kissing my forehead. "I'll find you!" He added, taking off in another direction. "Promise!" I yelled. "I promise!" He said. "Now RUN!" He added and I took off.

I was running for hours when more wolves jumped out of nowhere. I screamed, curled up in ball and cried, waiting for them to kill me.... But it didn't came. I peaked through my arms to see the wolves starting at me in shock. One went off and came back human. He came over to me. "Hey kid. What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asked. "M-My p-pack w-was a-attacked. M-Mummy a-and m-my b-brother t-told m-me t-to r-run a-and g-get h-help!" I stuttered. The other wolves growled. "Where's your pack sweetheart?" He guys asked me. "T-That d-direction." I said, pointing with my finger.

"Sam! Take her back to the pack house! Tell the Alpha!" The guy yelled at a creamed coloured wolf. She walked over to me and the guy picked me up, placing me on her shoulders. Sam started running and I saw the others running towards the direction of my pack. Sam howled when a building came into sight. A man came out of the back door as I hopped off Sam. She went to go shift and come back, grabbing me hand and walking me towards the Alpha. A women appeared beside the Alpha, I'm guessing the Luna.

A boy was behind the woman and he looked like he was my age or year older. "What's this?" The Alpha asked. "As you said, we went to deal with the rouge, but the rouge is this girl... And she says her pack was attacked. By whom, I don't think she even knows. Darren went to check on this." Sam explained. "After all these years, he's still an idiot!" Alpha said, annoyed. "You know the best of all that his weak spot is kids." The woman said, placing a hand on the Alpha's shoulder. "I know that! But this kid could be lying! He sh-" "I'm not lying!" I interrupted the Alpha. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"Come here girl." The Luna asked. I slowly made my way over to her. "What's your name?" She asked. "Skylar Nelson Luna." I replied. "Are you Alpha Dead Nelson's daughter?" She asked and I nodded. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked, picking me up, placing me on her hip and walking me to the kitchen, sitting me on the counter. "M-My brother and I-I were playing in the back yard. Then we heard growls and a big black wolf with something red on his shoulder came out of the forrest. Dad growled at him and the wolf growled back. More wolves came out do the forest and started attacking us. Mummy got us out, but had to stop because a small brown wolf with same red shoulder was coming up behind us.

Mummy told us to run. To get help. So we ran for some minutes and we heard Mummy howl. Damien told me we should split up, I would get help while he gets the wolf away from me and I came to here." I told her, crying again. "Oh my." The Luna said, covering her mouth. "Dylan! We have to help!" She cried and the Alpha whistled for the pack. He and Sam went off somewhere while the boy and the Luna stayed with me. I wiped the tears off my face and asked, "W-Where am I?" "Your at Fallen Warriors." The boy said. The Luna picked him up and placed him next to me.

"Skylar, this is my son, Jayden." The Luna said. "Hi." Jayden said. "Hi." I replied shyly. "My name is Anna Skylar. Is it alright for us to call you Sky?" She asked and I nodded. Anna cleaned me up and brought me to the Living room with whole lot of other females. They talked and I stayed quite, hoping that they got to my pack in time, hoping my Mum and Dad were alright. Hoping that my brother was okay. After hours and hours of waiting, the Alpha finally came back.

The Luna rushed to him. "Anything?" "Nothing. Everyone one of them slaughtered and killed. Dean watched his mate die and he was begging for death when they finally killed her. The Alpha and Luna were the only survivors when we got there.... There's none now. We couldn't find the boy Skylar was talking about." They didn't know I could hear them.

Mummy is dead. Daddy is dead. There all dead. My brother missing. I let out a small howl which turned into a loud howl. I heard feet rushing towards me as I blacked out. Weeks after weeks I waited for my brother to find me and I pushed my further into grief state cocoon, not letting anyone in. Jayden managed to bring me out a little when he told me about himself and the pack. I slowly started telling about me and what used to be my pack. A few years later, Jayden started being more distant and started pushing me around.

I fell back into my grief cocoon.... And my brother, he never came. He broke his promise.


Alright readers, I'll admit, the prologue is a bit sad and not my finest startings to my books, but the Chpaters following will be beter!

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