Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Skylar's P.O.V

Skylar's mark -->

5 years later from the attack

I stared at the alarm clock I have on my bedside table. 5:23 it read. I've been staring at it for the past 20 minutes. I was startled awake by a dream of my imagination, the imagination of my parents death. I know I wasn't there, but a child loosing parent without witnessing it, you can't help but imagine it. 5:27. I sighed got up and went for a shower before everyone else gets up for one.

I quickly went to make breakfast for the pack after my shower, seeing it was my turn on the roster. I then started walking to school, not wanting to see the other pack members. They would just tease me about my grief shell state, how I'm a orphan girl with no family, no friends, no nothing. Jayden was my best friend for like 2 years before he gave up on me. If he gave a few more weeks I would have been right, he was bringing me out of my shell.... But he pushed me back into the state I'm in now, antisocial, cut off and alone.

I knew I was 17 today, but to me it was just another birthday. No matter that I shift today or maybe find my mate. I know he'll reject me when he sees the state of me. I knew only the Luna and the Alpha cared for me, the only ones that didn't give up on me. Everyone else gave up, seeing me as a useless, weak wolf that shouldn't be alive..... If they have any idea I was the Southern Royal, they would show a bit of respect. I know I'm strong when I want to be but I can't find it in me to stand up for myself.

I have no self confidence, no trust, nothing to make me stop everything their doing to me. I sighed as I reached the steps of the school and headed to the library. Even in my grief cocoon state, I have pretty good grades. Straight A's actually. Properly thanks to being alone and that I was bored enough to do it. School didn't start until 8:30 and it's 7:04. I have an hour and a half to do the unfinished homework I didn't managed to do finish last night, so I got them out and started.


Hour and 20 minutes later.


I finished all my work for the day and I felt Anna enter my mind link. 'Yes Anna?' I asked politely. She and Dylan are the only ones I told about heritage. 'Happy Birthday sweetheart. How are you?' She asked. 'The same.' I replied simply. 'Hmmm. Where are you dear?' She asked. 'At the schools library.' 'How do you feel?' 'Like I'm not feeling well and I ache all over.' I told her. 'You better come home dear. Your wolf will want out and you being in the... State you are... She's isn't going to play nice.' Anna said and I had to agree with her.

'Alright. Just let me drop off some school work and pick some new work I'll miss today, then I'll came back.' I told her, packing up my stuff. 'Alright Hun. See you in a few minutes.' She replied, politely shouting off the mind link. I went to each of my teachers and either handed in or picked up school work, then taking the long way to the pack house through the woods. I didn't want to run into the pack or more likely.... My mate. I didn't want to feel the pain of rejection, but I know it's going to be inevitable one way or another.

I like walking through the woods, it calms me. I love listening to the surrounding animals talk to one another, the rushing water in a nearby river and the leaves rustling against one another as the wind blew. I stopped for a moment to listen to the wildlife before running to the pack house. I smelled the air and I can tell everyone had left for school already. I emerged from the trees and headed for my room. Anna was waiting for me at my room with Dylan. "Hello love." Dylan greeted me. "Hello Dylan." I replied giving him a hug.

Since they know about me being one of the 5 Royals, I didn't have to use formality when I was alone with them. I asked them at my request to kept my blood and heritage a secret, even from their son. I was grateful they accepted the request, because back then, I was scared that the wolves that attacked my old pack would come after me. "How are you feeling?" Dylan asked. "Painfully sore... And I can feel my wolf coming closer." I answered, grabbing some training clothes I wear in private lessons with Dylan.

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