Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Skylar's P.O.V

I woke up around the 5 in the morning. I groaned and I arched my back, stretching my limbs...... Bad idea! I ached all over. 'Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling like this?' I asked Sabrina. 'Nope, I feel like shit too.' She replied. I felt her shake her head, trying to clear her mind of the aching pain of our body. 'A shower! That's what we need.' I said suddenly. I swear I heard her moan. 'Take one! Make sure it's hot!' She said and I couldn't agree more. I slowly and painfully got up off the bed, grabbed the clothes I was going to wear today and headed for the showers.

As soon as the hot water hit my skin, I was in heaven, rubbed my muscles and they slowly un-tensed. Once I washed myself down and muscles relax again, I turned the shower off, dried, put my clothes on and headed down stairs for breakfast. Joan was cooking this morning and she makes pretty good pancakes. I silently took a seat at the back table, where I usually sit. Joan always knows I come down early so I have my breakfast early. She came out of the kitchen when some other pack members came in and took a seat. "Hello Orphan." The Queen of the Sluts here, Courtney, said.

I didn't say anything as usual, just started eating. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Courtney yelled. 'Argh! This bitch is getting on my last nerves!' Sabrina hissed. 'That was me a long time ago!' I replied. I just kept on ignoring her and she got more angry. She pushed my plate away and it went to the other side of the table, stopping half on, half off over the edge. I ever so gently nudged the table, making the plate fall. "Wow Courtney. Didn't know you were that strong!" I asked mockingly. Everyone stilled at the sound of my voice. Alright. I'll give them that, it's been a while since they heard my voice and it has turn quiet angel like.

Courtney even stumbled back from my voice, until it registered in her head what I said. "Why you little-" She was cut off when I abruptly stood up and walked out with everyone's eyes on me. Jayden was at the door and I faltered in my steps a bit but kept going. Jayden narrowed his eyes at me as I walked pass. I accidentally brushed up against him and he froze. Sparks went up and down my arm and I hurried to stairs, I was halfway up them when I heard a loud growl.

"There's noway in hell or heaven that the Moon Goddess paired me up with you!" Jayden's growled. I didn't stiffened, I knew this was coming. I closed my eyes and turned to face him. My next words shocked him and everyone beyond doubt. "You know what to do then." I said simply, carrying nothing in my voice. Jayden shook his head to clear it, properly trying to fight his wolf. Sabrina and I can feel it, and she whimpered. Jayden's wolf came to us and nudged us lovingly. 'I'm so sorry.' He said. "I, Jayden Shay, reject you, Skylar Nelson, as my mate!" Jayden said.

'I'm sorry also.' I said to Jayden's wolf before he went back to Jayden. "Then I, Skylar Nelson, accept your rejection, Jayden Shay." I replied. I felt the bond shatter until it was to weak to feel it. Sabrina howled in pain as I watched my ex mate at the bottom of the stairs. I saw a hint of pain and sadness in his eyes but that was quickly covered. Before he could say anything else, I bolted up the stairs and not my room, locking the door. I slid down it when I felt him kiss another girl, properly to get to me, get me to beg for him like they all thought the weakling I was.... Well guess what.... I've had enough!

I went to my closet, got my bag out and started stuffing all of my stuff into it. Once the room was bare, I waited for the others to head to school. 20 minutes later I heard cars driving off and I waited another five minutes. I saw the necklace Jayden gave me the first year I was here. It's what got me to open up in the first place... Now, it's just meaningless. I wasn't going to take it with me. What was the point, it'll just bring me more pain.

I picked it up and took one last look at it. I'll admit, Jayden had good taste. It was circular pendant with a wolf footprint in the middle, with a blue gem as the pad of the paw. Around the footprint was some patterns, also most tribal like... Like my mark. I sighed, Jayden made his choice, now he's paying for it. I took the pendant, opened the door, placed my bag in my car and walking to Anna and Dylan's room. I might have a car but I love walking through the forest.

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