Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jayden's P.O.V.

I was fidgeting all through today at school. I couldn't figure out what it was. 'Maybe it's out MATE!' My wolf, Alex yelled. 'Shut up!' I yelled back. He growled and started pacing. 'Okay. Serious! Stop with the pacing! Your giving me a headache!' I told him. 'Your head isn't going to be only thing that aches!' He said before he shut me out. Argh! Damn mutt! "Dude? What's eating at you this morning?" One of my friends, Nathaniel asked. "An enormous headache!" I replied.

"It's properly him rejecting his mate?!" Another one of my friends, Tyra said. "Shut up Ty!" I growled. "I will say this last thing.... If she leaves or gets with another male.... It's all your fault!" She said and getting up quickly, walking away. Right then the bell rang for the last two periods of class. I sighed, I didn't know what I was doing anymore. "Come on mate. Let's get these last two periods done and over with!" Nathaniel said. "Nat? What do you think about me rejecting my mate?" I asked. "Well... She is in a bad state. She has been for the pass five years.... With this on top.... I wouldn't know what it would do to her, but we can't have a weak Luna." He replied as we took our seats for English.

Mrs. Sherwood came in a few seconds later. "Alright class. Start reading page 45 where we left off of Romeo and Juliet please while I call the roll." She said. "Yes Miss." We replied and started reading on this freakin bloody love story. "An honor? We're not I thine only nurse, I would say thou hadst sucked wisdom from the teat." Nat started reading out loud on the original version, making the room chuckle. "Mr. Abell!" Mrs. Sherwood yelled. "Here miss." He replied simply. "Reading in silent please." She responded.

We were quite for a few more minute until Nathaniel started up again. "No less? Nay, bigger! Women grow by men." "Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love?" I played along. "I'll look to like, if looking liking move; but no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent gives strength to make it fly." "Madam, the guest are come, supper served up, you called, my you-" I was interrupted by the teacher. "Enough! I'm getting sick and tired of this behaviour! Mr. Shay? I didn't expect this of you. Your friends yes, but you no. You maybe the Alpha's son, but you won't get away with everything!" She yelled.

I sat frozen in my seat. It's like she knew I rejected Sky. "Skylar Nelson?" Mrs. Sherwood asked but no reply came. I shifted in my seat and looked around... She isn't here! "Sky?" Miss called again. Again nothing. "That's strange." Miss whispered. "Keep reading students." She said as she got out her phone and went out side.

I got up and pressed me ear to the door. "Everyone shut up!" I hissed and everyone fell silent. "Oh the poor girl." I heard our teacher say. I heard mumbling on her phone but couldn't make out whom she was talking to. "Yes Alpha. I'll keep it to myself for now." She said and I heard the mumbling of my Dad. "I'll tell them Alpha. Goodbye." She said as she was walking back to the classroom.

I hurried to my seat and sat down as soon as the door opened, everyone's eyes were on our teacher. "There will be a pack meeting later today at 9 o'clock sharp and the Alpha says do not be late for it." Miss said. "Mrs. Sherwood? What happened to Sky?" Tyra asked. "That what he wants to talk about at the pack meeting. I will not release any more information about tonight, and yes, even to you young Alpha. Your Fathers orders. Now what have you all gotten..." I paced out after a while, think about what they said to other that I managed to catch.

'Dude! Stop thinking about it! We'll find out at 9.' Nathaniel said in our mind link. 'Okay. Okay.' I said mindlessly. I shook my head to snap out of it, or just until 9 at least.

The rest of the lesson went by boringly so I asked to see if can go to the toilet so I can ditch the rest of the lesson... And she bought it. Courtney followed me out of the classroom. "Wanna have some fun Alpha?" She asked. I almost gagged, but thought about what she just offered. I nodded and lead her to the janitor's closet. I've been hard ever since Sky brushed against me this morning and I've been aching for a release. 'Don't you dare!' Alex screamed at me. 'Shut up dog!' I said and shut him out.

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