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It was just so likely that something this bizaree would happen to Marinette of all people. She was just lucky that her parents were out of town for a bakers convention while a small child pratically ran across the living room, screaming and giggling as she chased Tikki around.

"Tikki! You're not helping this situation!" Marinete groaned into her hands.

"Relax Marinette! I'm just playing with her." The tiny god smiled at her fustrated owner.

Where did this child come from anyway? Marinette did NOT imagine her saturday afternoon like this. A random blonde child with blue eyes coming up to her front door and introducing herself as her child. Marientte hadn't even been kissed yet. So how was this even possible?

"Mommy! I'm hungry." The blonde child was in front of the bluenette now.

Marinette brought her hands down and looked at the child, smiling, "What would you like to eat... I'm sorry what was your name again little one?"

The girl giggled, "Silly mommy. My name is Emma!"

Emma. One of the names she wanted to name her future child. Of course this just could be pure coicidense.

The bluenette girl nodded her head and scooped up the child into her arms, "Alright Emma, how about we go get some crosiants from the bakery and go to the park?"

"Yeah!!" The little blue eyed child beamed.

Marinette giggled at her adorable behavoir. The girl looked to be about 5 or 6 but she didn't bother to ask. All she was worried about was how to fix this situation cause lord knows that she can not take care of this child forever.


The little girl sat on the bench, taking small nibbles of the chocolate crosiant that Marinette prepared for her. Marinette on the other hand was rapidly typing on her phone searching for solutions that google had failed to give her.

What to do when a child calls you mom and you are NOT the mom?

Can you have a child without even being physically touched yet?

Will I get arrested for taking in a small child without telling anyone?

-----------0 results------------

"Shoot." The bluenette mumbled under her breath.

"Mommy! Look!" Marinette looked to the child who was pointing at the corner of the park. She glanced up to see what she was pointing too and flushed at the sight. It was the Agreste twins modeling for a photoshoot. "There's Daddy!"

Marinette eeped and turned to the little girl, "W-What?"

The little girl smiled, looking towards her, "I'm going to go say hi!" Emma jumped off the bench, dropping her half eaten crosiant and ran towards the photoshoot.


"Emma! No!" Marinette ran after the little girl. But she was too late. The little girl was much faster even Ladybug at that moment.

"Daddy!" Emma approached Felix and clung onto his pants. Felix looked down at her with wide eyes as Adrien jumped back with a shocked expression.

The photographer furrowed his eyebrow at the little girl, "Do you know this little girl Felix?"

"N-No. I don't"

"Emma!" Marinette approached the Agreste boys, trying to avoid eye contact. "Don't run away like that." She grabbed the blonde girl's arm and luckily plucked her off from Felix's pants, "I-I'm so sorry you guys."

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