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15 years into the future

"Higher Mommy!" Ladybug giggled as she held her mini "Chat Noir" in her arms, swinging across the city of Paris. They landed safely on top of random rooftop and approached a black claded superhero who had their back facing them, just a few feet away. "Daddy!"

The black figure turned and smiled brightly seeing the tiny girl and red, spotted superherione, "Hey there minou." He walked towards the two and pulled them closer to him, kissing Ladybug's forehead, "What are you two doing out? My patrol ends in about 30 minutes."

Ladybug giggled, "She insisted we take a stroll."

He huffed, looking at the little girl, "You know it's way past your bed time missy."

"But Daddy! I'm not tired."

The man sighed and looked towards Ladybug, "I might have let Tikki give her some cookies before bed."


"I know! I know! I need to learn to say no..." Ladybug looked down to the little girl who was smiling at her then back up to the fustrated pair of green eyes, "But I can't resist her kitten eyes! I mean just look at her Felix!"

Felix rolled his eyes playfully, "Alright, Alright." He took the blonde girl out of Marientte's arms and held her in his, "Stop trying to trick Mommy, you sly kitty cat." Emma giggled as her father poked her nose softly.

A gust of strong wind ruined the moment making both Emma and Ladybug clutched onto Felix.

"HAHAHAHAHA," Ladybug tried to see where the laughter was coming from but the wind made it difficult to open her eyes as random debris flew at them. "Well well well, what do we have here?" The villain rose hovering the roof top the three were on and smirked at the sight of them. "Awhh the little miraculous family. How cute..." The wind finally stopped as soon as the villain landed, joining the hereos and the little girl.

"Who are you?" Ladybug quickly readied herself to attack.

The villain laughed eviliy, "Name's Minute maid."

"Like the juice?" Black Cat snickered.

"What? NO!" The villian snarled and blew a gust a wind at him. He held onto the little girl tightly and kept his stance.

"Okay! Okay! Gee."

The villian stopped the wind and growled, "I have the power to control any time I want."

"If you have the power of time, how come you can control wind?"

"Easy. I can speed, slow, or even go back in time if I wanted to. I just used my time to speed up the wind. As you can see..."

Ladybug slowly crept to Black Cat as the villian was explaining her powers and whispered, "Get Emma out of here. Take her to the bakery and hide."

"What about you?"

"I'll stall her. Just make sure she's safe." Black Cat sighed then nodded. He didn't like leaving his wife alone with an akuma to deal all on her own. It was way too dangerous but she was right. He needed to get their daughter to safety first. Felix took a few steps back as the villian kept talking then sprinted once he felt that he could quickly jump off the building, his daughter holding him tightly.

"EXCUSE ME!? That was incrediably rude!" The villian was about the chase after them until Ladybug stepped in front of her.

"No. What's rude is trying to harm a little girl!"

"Oh? Your precious Minou Noir?" The villian pondered for a moment then let an evil smirk plaster her face, "Hmm, I don't need to fight you to get your miraculous... I have a better idea."

Ladybug tensed up as she saw Minute Maid look to where Chat and Emma where going, "D-Don't you dare!" But it was too late, the villain began to chase after the black cat and his daughter. Ladybug followed close behind her. She managed to get ahead of the akuma, taking a few short cuts and just made it outside of the bakery. "No. No. No. Where are you?" Just then, Black Cat leaped in and look to his wife with a furrowed eyebrow.

"How did you get here before me?"

Ladybug shook her head, "No time to explain. She's after Emma."

Black Cat tensed up then put the little girl down, looking into her blue eyes, "Emma, you need to listen to me. Mommy and Daddy will be back soon but you need to go upstairs and hide in Mommy's old room. Okay? Don't come out until we get there."

Emma looked at the man and nodded, "Yes Daddy." Ladybug looked around for the akuma then grabbed the little girl into an embrace.

"We love you minou."

"I love you Mommy and Daddy." Both of the parents smiled at the girl as Black Cat opened the door for the little girl to go in. Just as she walked inside, the blonde haired girl disappeared with a white flash.

"NO!" Black Cat and Ladybug screamed seeing that the little girl was no longer there. They turned their heads to the cackling woman behind them.

"What have you done!?" Black Cat screamed, tears filling his eyes as he held his crying queen in his arms.

"Oh stop your nonsense. She's fine. She's just in another time."

"W-What do you mean?" Ladybug sniffled, looking at the woman hovering above them.

"She's in another time. Could be with the dinosaurs, or with ancient cavemen. Who knows? Give me your miraculous to find out."

"Not until you bring her back." Felix yelled.

"You fools. You really think I'm gonna-" Before the woman could finish her sentence, a purple butterfly outline appeared on the woman's face,

"What do you think you're doing!?"

"Getting your stupid miraculouses."

"No. Not like this."

"Geez Hawkmoth, since when did you care?"

"You fool..."

The girl de-transformed into her original self before the villian could respond. The purple akuma flew off into the distances, too fast for the red, spotted girl to catch. But it wasn't like she was paying attention anyway. Black Cat ran after the woman who was previously hovering and caught her as she fell.

"W-Where am I?" The confused woman looked around.

"You were akumatized but you're okay now." Black Cat helped the woman up as she thanked him and walked off.

"My baby..." Ladybug whimpered as she looked at the spot where her daughter disappered. "Why isn't she back?!" Marinette turned to her husband and ran to his arms crying.

Felix held onto her tightly, "We'll find her...I promise."


"Woah!" Emma stumbled into the Dupain-Cheng bakery, the sun beaming through windows. The little girl made her way to the stairs she knew led to her mother's living quarters. Emma carefully examined the pictures to the side and smiled seeing her mother's teenage self with her parents. "Mommy..." The blonde girl approached the living room door and opened it shyly. She brightened at the sound of a particular voice.

"Tikki, how am I supposed to ask Felix out if he won't even say one word to me?!" The teenage Marinette groaned loudly, not hearing the door open.

"Marinette, you just have to be yourself! He'll warm up to you eventually!" Tikki smiled.

"Mommy?" Emma innocently spoke. Marinette yelped and gasped as she turned to the little girl.

"Ah! Who are you!?"

"Mommy!" Emma ran over to Marinette and hugged her tightly. Tikki flew out of her hiding space and danced around the little girl, causing her to laugh and giggle.

Marinette looked to the little girl, mouth agape"Wait. Mommy?!"


Anddd that's how our little bug found her mother :) Well teenage mother.

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