0 ~ Insult ~ 6

8 1 0

~ 3rd Pov ~

"Why don't you go instead and make babies with your little girlfriend" Jungkook said leaving Jimin behind. Jimin stood there thinking of what he just said. 'Did he really mean that or does he just wants me to go away?'

While going into the elevator, you opened your eyes still asleep, you mumbled something and closed your eyes once again as you snuggled on your brother's chest.

 Jungkook noticed that you woke up, and noticed that you looked scared of something that made you wake up.

Jungkook got startled as you opened your eyes with a scared expression written on your face. You fell down from your brother's arms that were previously holding you tightly.

You hit your head as you fell down yo the cold floor. You noticed you were no longer in the small place you hid from the boys. You turned around and saw Jungkook with wide eyes not moving an inch.

You decided to stand up grabbing the long metal tubes for support. You went towards your brother as you waved your hand in front of his touching where you got hurt with your other hand.

"Umm..... Jungkook? Are you okay?" You asked as he barely moved. "Helloooo..?" You kept trying to get a reaction from him.

Jungkook finally turn to look at you with his still wide eyes, filled with worry as he went near you. "I'm sorry, are you hurt? Do want to go back? Let me carry you. I don't want you to get another concussion" "What do you mean? Im fine. I want to go home"

"Do you want to eat first? Do you need anything?"

"No thank you, just wondering, where did the guys go to. Did they left already?" You asked pointing to the elevator door that was still closed.

"I don't know. I got inside and left without them. Maybe they're waiting for us outside..?" Jungkook said looking down slightly looking at blank space thinking why didn't they go inside the elevator with them?

"By the way, where are we going?" You asked looking at his face for answers. "Where would you like to go to eat before going home?" You brother asked with a cute bunny smile.

"I don't know. Why don't you choose where we're going instead. I want to sleep a little classes start tomorrow don't they? I need to get my things for school ready. Doyouwanttohelpmeinstead andthenI'llmakeyousomethinginstead. Idon'tknowifyou'lllikemyfoodbutIwouldlikeforyoutotry mycooking-" You said panicking about how he would react of you suddenly asking him to go eat at your place before he cut you off.

I mean he is your brother but this is probably the first time you have met him in your life.Your not used to being around so much guys they usually ignore you, but lately they been following you around a lot. You didn't even remember you had a little brother.

"Hold up. So you're inviting me to eat at your place? If so why would I say no?" Jungkook said whit his grin looking at you with soft eyes as you looked the other way as you were still trying to get used to being the older sibling.

"I'm sorry, I'm such an awkward potato sometimes" As you finished saying that the elevator's bell rang indicating you were on the last floor. Man did that felt like a long way down, when it actually all happened in a few seconds.

You made your way out of the elevator when Jungkook stopped and caught your wrist before you could escape him, making you turn around immediately. " Don you mind if I carry you? I don't want you to get hurt again" You looked him in the eyes as you nodded slowly.

~ (Y/n's) Pov ~

Jungkook took me outside to where his car was. Next to the car stood two short men. The noddle hair guy, and Yoongi.

I was in Jungkook's arms. He was carrying me. I didn't mind at all. I'm still trying to get used to him being my little brother.

"Jungkookie you're finally here. Why did you left use behind, that was very rude of you" Jimin said with a cute, sweet tone of his. Yoongi didn't say anything. He just stared at us.

Jungkook let me get down from his arms. As my feet touched the ground, I felt like the shortest person on earth. 'Was I always this short'.

"How do feel shorty, better?" Jimin asked. "I'm fine. But don't call me short, because I'm not short" I said not even looking at him, knowing I'm really short, and if I looked at Jimin I'll have to raise my head up, which will not help me.

"What do you mean shorty. You are really short and you can't say you aren't" The noddles said. I can't be THAT short.

"Am I really really short?" I turned to look at Jungkook.

"Um.... you are-"

"Don't deny it Jungkook. You know she is short too" Jimin said cutting Jungkook mid-sentence.

"Yeah. well you are short too so don't complain" Jungkook started to defend me.

"Guys we should get going. It's getting dark" Yoongi said. "Right" I got in the car ignoring all the men outside. 

As soon as I closed the car's door, everything got silent. Even the light wind that was blowing stopped. I rolled down the window. "Are we gonna go or are ya'll staying here?" I said trying to make them hurry up. I can't wait any longer, I'm starving.

"We're coming" Jimin said.

"What makes you think your coming with us little guy" My brother said being a little too mean. I mean he Jimin is not as tall as Jungkook is but he isn't that short either, or is it because I'm the short one.

"Well, I was invited her personally so I'm coming" He pointed at me.

"When did I invite you noddles" 

"You invited me when you looked at me in the eyes, baby~"  He winked ;) 

"Don't call her that. She's not your baby dude. You can't have her, understood" Jungkook stood there looking intensely at the boys in front of him, giving Jimin more of his attention.



Hello my doods im so very sorry i havent posted. I was recently testing at school for the entire week and i had to study.

This is a shorter chapter than usual but ill try to make the next one a bit longer than usual.

Really hope you guys like this i tried my best. Nyways if you have opinions or anything that can help please send me (or us) a message through instagram if you have it to @ jigasumemchild

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