Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. – Romans 10:9-10 ESV
"Josh, here's your mail."
I glance up at him blankly. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. No one cares about me."
The mail man extends his arm to me with one envelop in his hand. "Apparently, someone does."
I carefully take the envelop and sit on the hard, concrete floor in my cell. My name is simply printed on the front. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open it as neatly as I can.
Dear Josh,
I felt like I needed to do this. I don't even know if you will actually read this. Maybe you will just throw it in the trash, but at least I tried. I am the guy who you held as the other guy beat me up. I forgive you. You seem like a pretty decent man just got in the wrong mix of people. You can change you know, get away from them. Jesus is a good friend and I'll be your friend if you want to. We can write letters and stuff until you get out.
I am a little awkward. Sorry. I've never done this. I feel like I'm just preaching to you and I don't want to do that.
This probably sounds stupid to you, but I'm praying for you.
Well, I can't think of anything else to say, so have a nice day? I'm so awkward.
Signed, Ezra.
Ezra encouraged me to change my life. I got out of jail and bought a bible. I found a church and started learning about Jesus. He died for me! Can you believe it? It is amazing that he has always been with me even though I never knew it until Ezra came into my life and I got out of prison. I am very thankful that Ezra forgave me and that Jesus forgave me for helping attack him. I never wanted to hurt Ezra that night. I was so scared, but I didn't know how to get away from Derek, the one who beat up Ezra. He said he would knock me out if I didn't help him. I felt like I had no choice in the matter.
Now I pray for Derek. I don't want him, or anyone else, to go to Hell. It is scarier than all the awful things of this world combined. I don't have to be afraid though because Jesus is on my side and I can do anything with him. I just recently learned that in the Bible.
Ezra and I write letters to each other at least once a week now. I'm rooming with man from the church I go to now. He's like a father to me. This week's letter from Ezra invited me to his wedding. He says that he is nervous, but I don't think he should be. He says that she is the only girl that he has really loved, so I'm sure she does too. He also said that I better watch out because Madeline, his fiancé, is going to try to find a wife for me. Don't tell anyone, but I blushed thinking of having a wife. Who would want to spend their life with me?
Anyway, their wedding will be in a few weeks. It is going to be a small wedding. They want to just go to the court house, but they know they will regret it if they don't. Plus, Ezra wants to wear a tux. I'm going to have to save up money to buy a nice outfit. Ezra said he would go with me. I think it's safe to say that Ezra and I are friends.
Ezra Lucas
Tâm linhA boy doing the will of God. A girl who's too curious for her own good. What happens when the two have to share a locker together? What will the police do? Bad things can turn out to be good in the end. # 7 nocussing #8 curious #14 policeofficer #16...