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clara's pov

i wake up in nate's arms.

i turn over and nate's arms fall of my waist.

he re adjusts them tightly around my waist.

i stare at his beautiful soft brown hair.

and his sexy af tattoos on his chest.

his eyes slowly open.

he sees me and smiles. his beautiful dimples making me blush.

"hey lil mama." he says and kisses me on the head.

i smile.

"where exactly are we nate?" i ask.

"this isn't your bed." i say following.

"we're at cameron's." he says.

i nod and try to get up.

but he pulls me back on the bed and wraps his arms around my waist again and nudges his head in between my neck.

i giggle.

"nate i got a girl coming over! get out of my bed bro!" cameron yells from downstairs.

nate grunts and gets up and we both start getting dressed.

"wait. nate?" i ask softly.

"yeah lil mama?" he says and smiles.

"does cameron know i'm here?" i ask.

"nah, he just thinks i'm with a girl. " he says and smiles.

"nate you ripped my dress." i say and groan.

"sorry lil mama i had to get it off. wear my shirt." he says and smiles.

i grab his shirt and slide it over my head and it smells just like his cologne.

i put my shoes on and grab my phone and we go downstairs.

"clara? what are you doing here?" cameron says.


i give the "help" look to nate.

he nods.

"jack left last night, so she didn't have a ride so i said i could drive her but and i was doing some girl so i fell asleep and forgot to drive her." he says.

i was gonna say he was doing me but i shushed.

he nods confused and we walk out to nates car.

he starts to drive and lays his hand on my thigh.

i blush and he keeps driving.

i think we're at my house when the car comes to a halt.

i look up and see we're at his house.

i shrug.

i get out and we walk in up to his room.

i plop on his bed just like i did when i was little.

"what are we doing here?" i say as he plops next to me.

he smirks.

"cause i know jack's home and i don't think he would like if we would do this." he says.

i'm about to say do what when he hangs over me and places his lips on my lips.

i ask for entrance and of course he agrees.

i slide my tongue in to his mouth.

he starts leaving kisses on my neck and collar bone leaving hickeys all over.

he slides his shirt off of me.

"my shirt looks so sexy on you." he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my body.

he slides off my panties and throws them across the room.

he unbuckles my bra and throws it on the ground.

he slides off his pants.

he leaves kisses down my body.

leaving small kisses around the inside of my thighs i moan slightly.

he takes a long lick out of me.

"baby you taste so good." he whispers

i moan.

he slides off his boxers revealing his erected member and slides a condom on and thrusts in to me.

causing me to scream out a moan.

"nateee.." i moan out.

"say it baby." he says as he increases his speed.

i throw my head back in pleasure.

my nails digging in to his back.

"i'm close." i moan out.

"me too babygirl." he says breathing heavy.

i put my hands in his hair.

he pulls out one last time and slams in to me.

i pull his hair.

he doesn't even notice the pain he's experiencing so much pleasure it doesn't matter.

we both reach it and fall back on the bed.

i get up and put my bra on and nate's shirt back on.

i look around the whole room for my panties.

"why are you leaving babygirl?" he groans and says.

"nate i really have to go jack is probably worrying about me." i say.

he makes a puppy dog face.

i giggle

i jump on him and sit on his lap.

i give his little kisses.

and he just leaves kisses around my neck and collarbone.

after a little bit i get off his lap and keep looking for my panties.

"nate where did you throw my panties!" i yell in frustration.

he laughs and walks over next to his dresser and bends down and picks up my panties.

"thanks." i say and grab them and slip them on.

i go to his drawers and search for his pants drawer.

i find it and grab a pair of sweats.

i slide them on and he looks at me up and down.

"you ripped my dress, i don't have pants."  i say.

"no it's not that. it's just you." he says coming over to me.

"look so sexy." he says and slips his hand around my waist.

i blush.

i turn around to make me facing him.

i state at his beautiful brown eyes. and his cute dimples.

i squeeze his cheeks and give him a quick kiss.

"drive me home now?" i ask.

he nods and smiles.

we walk out to the car and he drives me to my house.

i give him a quick kiss and he squeezes my thigh.

"i'll see you tonight clar." he says and drives away.

i walk in the house and head up to my room every step hurting because of the throbbing pain in between my legs.

thanks nate.

i felt uncomfortable writing this chapter bc. my dad was like 2 feet away from me lol

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