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claras pov

i wake up in nates arms.

"morning lil mama, how was your date." he says kissing me.

"pretty good actually." i say sitting up.

"he was really nice and we ended up kissing." i say.

"wasn't as good as my kisses right??" he says picking me up and sitting me on his lap.

straddling him.

"obviously." i say placing my lips on his.

"clara it's jack let me in." jack says shaking the handle of my door.

i push nate out of the bed.

he grabs a blanket and lays on the floor.

i get up and open the door.

he walks in and sees nate.

"what are you doing in here man?" he says and laughs.

"me and nate needed a sleepover night just like we did when we were kids." i say plopping on my bed.

he nods and sits down on my bed.

"so i have some exciting news.." jack says

me and nate move our attentions to him.

"we're going to hawaii!" jack says and me and nate smile and i giggle in happiness.

"me and johnson have a show there and we want you guys to come. we're leaving tonight at 4 AM for the airport." jack says saying the last part quietly.

"tonight!" i yell.

he yells sorry and runs out of the room.

i laugh.

"i'm gonna go home and pack seeya tonight lil mama." nate says getting up and placing his lips on mine before walking out.

i head over to my closet and pull out a suitcase.

i throw some bathing suits and a few dresses and pairs of shorts and some shirts and throw some of the new panties, bras and lingerie nate bought me, then my makeup and close the bag up.

i decide to take a nap when max texts me.

wanna go get some lunch? :)

yeah sure pick me up in ten.

ok seeya then ;)

i go to my closet and put on a volleyball swestshirt from one of my competitions back in high school and a pair of nike shorts and a pair of nikes and put my hair up in a messy bun and head downstairs.

i hear a honk from outside.

"jack! i'm going out to lunch with a friend! i'll be back in an hour!" i yell from downstairs.

i walk out the door and get in his car.

"hey." he says and gives me a peck.

i smile and greet him back.
we walk in a cafe and get a table.

"hi what can i get you to drink?" the waitress says.

"i'll have a water." i say.

"me too." he says.

she smiles and walks away.
i walk in the house and see jack, cameron, johnson, sammy, and nate laying on the couch.

half of them asleep.

"what's going on here?" i ask.

"since the flights so early we're all sleeping here so we can take one car to the airport." cameron says.

"wait is lily coming too?" i ask.

"yeah she should be here any minute." cameron says.

"oh clara i forgot to tell you, me and lily are back together." johnson says.

i smile.

"thank god, you guys were meant to be." i say.

he laughs.

"nate wanna have another sleepover?" i say.

everyone was on their phones so they didn't care.

"id love to." he says smiling.

god those dimples.

he gets up and follows me to my room.

we get in and he closes the door and locks it.

"wait i have to pack my carry on bag first." i say and he nods and lays on my bed.

i grab a backpack and put my mac, earbuds, a blanket and a extra sweatshirt.

nates actually.

then i put my charger for my mac and my phone in.

i close the bag and hop in bed with nate.

he pulls the covers up more.

he gives me a kiss not like the usual ones.

it was so passionate. and loving.

i snuggle my head in between his neck.

ah so warm.

he wraps his arms around me tightly.

and i fall asleep in my favorite place.

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