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claras pov

nate hasn't been here in almost two months.

and my body is just getting worse and with out him here i'm starting to believe i'm gonna die.

i miss his smile.

i miss him making me laugh when my cancer is the worst.

i miss.


the nurse comes in and i down my pills like usual.

evelyn comes and says hi to me before she goes to school every day.

that makes me smile. that someone loves me.

i go in the bathroom and see my thoroughly bald head.

i shrug and head back to bed.

the doctor comes in with a smile on his face.

"clara i've got some good news." he says and i lay my head back down not caring.

"one, your leukemia's getting better and today theirs a party for teens just like you on the roof and now that your getting better, you can go." he says.

"i don't know." i say.

he nods and walks away.

i lay back on the bed that i've been in forever.

and fall asleep.
i wake up and look at the time.

the party doctor jones talked about started 20 minutes ago.

then i think about it.

nate is happy, and about to marry melanie and i'm bummed out sitting here like usual.

i'm going to that party.

i get up and head to my bag of clothes and pick out a rainbow tube top and a pair of high waisted jeans and a pair of vans.

i put a bandanna over my mostly bald head and put on a little makeup.

final look:

i grab my bag and head to elevator and and press the roof button

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i grab my bag and head to elevator and and press the roof button.

as the door opens, i see a bunch of teens just like me.

i head over to the drink table and grab a water bottle and turn around but run in to a chest.

i look up and see a cute boy about my age.

"omg, i'm so sorry!" i say.

"it's fine, i'm charlie by the way." he says.

"i'm clara." i say and smile.
"thank you for tonight, it's been a while since i've had a friend." i say as we stand in front of my room.

he smiles and comes closer and places his lips on mine.

i kiss back and he places his hand on my waist.

i push us apart and he looks at me confused.

"i have to tell you one thing first." i say and he nods.

"i have a kid." i say.

that's subtle.

"i don't care, i just wanna sleep with you." he says.

my heart sinks.

"wow. for once i thought i met a nice guy for once and you just had to be an asshole like every other guy." i say.

except nate. well before he left me and evelyn.

he shrugs and walks away.

i run in my room and slide in my bed and pull the covers over me.

i feel tears coming but nothing runs down my face.

i've cried so many tears. theirs no tears left to cry.

(@arianagrande lol)


i'm sorry this chapter is so short but the next chapter, a lot will happen lol

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