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claras pov

your pregnant

i keep saying that sentence to my self.


and over again.

hoping it won't be true.

because that sentence.

tells me how disappointed everyone probably is of me.

and because that sentence will break up everything between the love of my life who doesn't even know i love him.

after the hospital i go back to the hotel and pack up my suitcase and before i leave i go to nates suitcase and take one of his sweatshirts and theirs a picture of him and me when we were kids and a picture of me and him kissing he must of took when i wasn't looking in the clear pocket of his backpack.

i take one last look at the pictures and a tear goes down my face before i shove it in my bag and walk out the door and get an uber to the airport.
"hi can i have one ticket to omaha nebraska please?" i ask the lady at the desk.

"ok i have one leaving in about an hour. will that be ok?" she asks.

"yes that's perfect." i say.

she nods and i get out my credit card and hand her it and she swipes it.

she hands me it back and then she hands me the ticket.

i thank her and head over to TSA.
i stop at a coffee shop in the airport and get a iced almond latte and a chocolate chip croissant and i head over to my gate.

"flight 4D to omaha nebraska is now boarding." the woman says.

i grab my backpack and get on the plane and find my seat.

i fall asleep in tears knowing i'm disappearing from everyone i love.


"mam the flight landed." the woman next to me says waking me.

i nod and get up and grab my bag and head off the plane.

i call the only person i know left in omaha.


"max can you pick me up at the airport please?" i ask.

"yeah of course, i'll be their in a few minutes." he says and i hang up.

"so can you tell me what's wrong now?" he says as we sit on his bed.

"max. me and nate have been sleeping together for a little while. and i just found out. i'm pregnant. i don't want any of my family and friends to know. they'd be too disappointed in me." i say.

"and your the only person left i know. so please, can you help me find a place to live for me, and the baby ." i say.

"of course clara." he says and rubs my back.

"and please promise me, you'll be a friend for me through this. because. iii. i have no. one." i say tears coming down my eyes.

"i'll be there for through all of this. your gonna get through this c." he says and i hug him and cry on his shoulder.

"thank you." i say.

he nods and i cry in his shoulder.

"first let's find you a place to live." he says.

i nod and he opens his laptop.

we go on to websites looking for apartments and some townhouses for me and the baby.

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