I knew i would find you one day

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Emily pov

Me, Andrea, michonne and Ashlynn all sit in the room they gave us, "we need to leave" michonne argues with Andrea "why...we have all we'll ever need here" I point down at my gun holster "they took our weapons so we can't defend ourselves...I think they trust us just as much as we trust them" Andrea sits down in the bed "we've been here only 3 days and you already hate it?" Me, Ashlynn and michonne all look at her and nod, "I'm gonna go get our stuff" I walk out and go to the main building, I pick the lock and go in, I throw michonnes balde over my shoulder and grab all our guns, I turn around and see the governor behind me "what do you think your doing?" I smile "not stealing....Because it's ours" I try and walk past him and he grabs my arm I turn around and clock him right in the nose, he falls back in his chair, I walk out the door and back to our room, Andreas eyes dart to my hand, my knuckles are bleeding, I smirk "I think the governor might have a broken nose" Ashlynn chokes back a laugh as Andreas mouth falls open "Emily?!... you can't just go around braking people's noses?!" I smile and hand her her gun "then people should stop touching me" I give Ashlynn her gun and michonne her blade, "come on let's go" I stop when I see the only one not moving is Andrea "I'm not leaving" she crosses her arms, I walk up to her "Andrea?....please" she hugs me "when you want to see me again....you'll know where to find me" I nod and wipe the tears off my face. Me, Ashlynn and michonne get to the front gate and it swings open....we get out into the woods and split up....michonne went to hunt and me and Ashlynn went to find a place to stay for the night, we get to the end of the woods and I see a big building...we turn around when we hear michonne yelling "Emily!" We run into the woods..michonne stumbles up to us...blood dripping from a gunshot in her leg "michonne what happened?!" We catch her before she hits the ground "m-Merle attacked me" we wrap her leg up and throw her arms over our necks, "I saw a building not far from here" michonne nods "l-let's go there"

Rick pov

"Rick!" Glenn runs into my cell "what?" He stutters "w-we saw a woman in the woods...she was only there for a couple seconds and then ran into the woods" my eyes widen "e-e-" his nod finishes my sentence for me, I jump up and run down the hall as fast as I can, Glenn barley able to keep up, everyone follows behind me as I run out the door, I almost fall as I slam the door open with my shoulder but I catch myself. Daryl, Carol, Maggie, Glenn, Carl, t-dog, and Beth all stand behind me as I stop dead in my tracks....I see a blonde girl stop at the same time as me, she stands at the bottom of the hill, "EMILY!" "RICK!" Glenn pulls the gate open and we run to each other, she jumps into my arms, we hit each other so hard the impact sends both of us on the ground, we hold on to each other tighter than we've ever held on to anyone else in our whole life....tears burn both of our faces, the only sound we can hear is each other's heartbeats, both of us desperate to catch our breaths but afraid to let go of each other

I pick her up, her hands still wrapped around my neck, my hand wrapped around her back and one on the back of her head... I swing her around laughing and crying, her head buried in my neck..both of our chests burn from breathing so hard....our lips crash together we notice all the people around us but we can't find it in us to care, "I-I knew I would find you again one day" I choke out over my tears "that thought is the only think that kept me going" I just admire her beauty. I admire that she's real and not my imagination, Ashlynn runs by us and runs up and hugs Daryl, I never let go of her until we get into the prison, I walk with her to my cell, my hand over her shoulder

Glenn tried to walk up to them but Maggie puts her hand on his shoulder, they walk to ricks cell together, Maggie smiles as she looks over at the rest of them "I think there about to have some bonding time" Ashlynn's mouth swings open and all the girls start laughing

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