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I walk outside, Maggie and Glenn run up to me "hey" I smile and wrap my arm around Maggie "what's up?" Glenn wipes the sweat off his head "we need to go on another supply run today" I nod "what do we need?" Maggie puts her gun in her belt "we are gonna need some more food for Judith" I nod and grab my gun, we head out to the car, I hear footsteps behind me, I turn to see rick, he pulls me into a hug "be back soon" I nod and kiss him "I will" I jump in the back of the car and we drive off, Maggie looks at a map as Glenn drives, I clean my gun on the way, as soon as I get my gun back together we pull up to a supermarket, we get out and check all the isles, I grab a bag of cereal, Maggie finds some baby food and some milk, Glenn finds some bullets, we walk out to the car, we all stop and freeze when we hear two guns cock, we turn around slowly to see Merle and a smaller man with brown hair, "what the hell?" I question, Glenn looks over at him in surprise "Merle?" Merle smiles "Glenn! are you?" Glenn doesn't answer, I pull out my gun, Merle laughs "blondie?....this is where you went?" He pulls the trigger on his gun and shoots the window next to my head, I shoot the man next to him in the head, Merle's smile disappears "that wasn't nice" he whispers as he points his gun at Maggie, "get in the car or I'll shoot her" me and Glenn jump in the car after Merle, he takes us to Woodbury, they pull us out of the trucks, they blindfold us and throw me and Maggie into one room and Glenn in the other, we sit for a while until we hear Merle yelling at Glenn "where the hell are they?!" We hear him start punching him, we both start to cry,

After a while the governor comes into our room, we both stand up, his eyes light up as he sees me "well....thanks for busting my nose last time" I smile sarcastically, Maggie wipes her face, another man walks in behind the governor and shuts the door, he grabs my arms and holds me back against the wall, I try and get out of his grip but he only tightens his arms causing me to groan, he makes Maggie take off her shirt and bra, I start to cry as he pushes her on the table, the guys grip loosens just enough for me to throw my elbow back and hit him in the nose, he lets me go and I run and punch the governor right in the cheek, he falls to the floor, holding himself up on his elbows "well Shit" he looks down at the blood dripping from his face, Maggie gets up and covers her chest, he gets up, I step in front of Maggie, she holds back her tears as the governor grabs me and throws me on the ground two men come in and start punching and kicking me, they leave and shut the door, I lay Curled up on the ground, blood dripping from my head, my lip, and my arms and legs, over the next couple minutes giant bruises show up all over my body, Maggie puts her bra back on and wraps her arms around me, I cry into her arms, she cry's onto my shoulder, I get up and take off my shirt, I give it to her, she slips it on, she gasps when she looks at the bruises all over my body, some of them looking like they've been there a while

Two men come in and grab us, they throw us into the room with Glenn. blood dripping from cuts in his face, his lip and eye swollen. Glenn tries to run up to us but the governor points his gun at Glenn "your gonna tell us where that prison is."

He walks closer "now." The gun clicks "the prison." Maggie blurts. "That one down the road?" Merle questions.

I nod. "How many of y'all are there. That place was overrun." Merle asks in amazement. "10 of us now." I tell him while giving the governor a death stare. The governor nods and walks off. he shuts the door and Maggie runs up and buried herself in Glenn's chest

Rick pov

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" Me and Emily run into the main room, Daryl, Carl, Carol, michonne, t-dog and Hershel all sit in the main room, Emily looks around "they're still not back yet?" Daryl shakes his head, "we should go out and look for them" me, Daryl, Emily, and michonne all run out to the truck and jump in, "we have to find them"


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