Moving in

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I sat in my living room and stared out the window. Ivan was semi permently moving into my home in America. I chose the one where I had every one over for Thanksgiving because I think it will make a great home for us. It is big enough, in a pretty good area, and Charlottes dinner isn't too far. Their was a big enough woods for them to run around in, a pool for swimming, I had all my different hobby rooms, and it was pretty quiet out here. All in all this house was perfect.

Now I'm just waiting for Ivan to show up. I haven't seen him since January second when I came back home. He had too many things to do in his country before he could come to stay with me in American. Important paper work, setting up a new mailing address for his paperwork, getting someone to care for his house, and a few very important meetings whith his boss and bosses co-workers.

It is now February sixth and I'm just about in my second trimester. I'm not too sure on the date of conception, but I know it was before Thanksgiving. That only left the time I spent with Ivan during our punishment. And since we only did it twice it could have only been from one of two days. November fifth or eleventh.

Which ever it is I'll find out in a couple of days when Mattie comes to do an ultrasound. Since he is technically a doctor he is able to use machines like that. He has his own portable ones that he can take with him to help treat other nations when their self healing isn't enough or might heal something incorrectly. Though he had to go buy a new ultrasound machine for my specific case.

I'm excited to be able to see our child for the first time. This will also be Ivans first time seeing them as well! We can take pictures and show them to his sisters. They and Mattie are the only ones we're telling for the moment, though we haven't told his sisters yet. I know I can't hide it forever, but I don't want anyone on my case for the time being. I'm currently under enough stress as it is, I don't need the other nations freaking out just because I'm pregnant. Especially not so early in my pregnancy when it is easiest to lose the baby.

I picked my head up off the back of the couch when I saw a small silver car pull into the driveway. The car was a gift from my boss. A congratulations for becoming a father. Which is why I stayed home instead of picking him up from the airport like I normally would have. My excitement grew when I saw him hop out of the drivers side. I bolted through the living room and out the front door. He hardly had a chance to turn around to catch me when I ran into his arms.

"Vanya! I missed you so much!" I told him, though it was kinda muffled through his coat.

"I missed you too moya darogaya Fredka." He said back. He lifted my face out of his coat and pressed a loving kiss to my lips. It lasted only a moment because I started shivering. In my excitement I had forgotten to get grab a coat, and Ivan noticed. "Fredka! Get inside! You will catch a cold like this!" He said firmly while shooting me back inside.

I nodded my head and hopped back inside where it's nice and warm. I waited for him in the living room on the couch I originally waited for him on. When he had brought in all his stuff, which was quite a lot actually, I pulled him into another hug. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly guided me to one of my big, soft couches. We laid down next to each other, happy to be together again. His arms are around me protectively, while mine are tucked into the small space between us.

No words needed to be spoken. Having each other close is more then enough for us. One of his hands started rubbing up and down my back. I hummed in appreciation and tucked my head under his chin. It was a soft moment, full of love. I never wanted to break free from this.

*Ring ring ring!*

A small growl sounded from my throat as I listened to my phone going off. I knew the ring tone belonged to my boss, so I can't ignore it. Doesn't make we want to get up an more though. I groaned as I sat up and snatched the annoying device off the coffee table. I taped the receive button and held it to my ear.

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