Life Bit #2

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I was cleaning up the kitchen the first time it happened. I honestly thought nothing of it, though it did make me stop for a moment. It just felt like little gas bubbles or something of the sort, but at the same time it was different. I wasn't too concerned, so I continued to clean up the admitidly messy kitchen. How it had gotten to the state it was in was beyond me. Both of us are naturally very clean and tidy people, so the mess was unusual. I was also bent over too, trying to reach the edge of the counter top corner, so that reinfoced my idea of just gas.

The second time I felt it was a couple of hours later. I was in the living room laying down on the couch. A bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream with pickles and hashbrowns layed on the table in front of me. I was a little more curious about it this time since I wasn't doing anything to provoke any kind of gas bubbles. It also felt a little different this time, like a little flutter. I put my hand over my stomach to see if I could pinpoint where it was coming from. It stopped the second I did that though. After a few minutes I shruged and whnet back to watching my movie.

It wasn't untill the next day when it happened again. I was back in the kitchen making myself a sandwich while talking on the phone with Mattie. I had just finished putting it all together when I felt it again. A little flutter near the top of my stomach that lasted maybe five seconds. I stopped everything that I was doing, including the speaking to Mattie.

"...Alfred? Are you there? Hello?" He called through the speaker when I stopped mid sentence.

"Yea, hey Mattie. I'm here, sorry about that." I said into the phone as snapped out of it. I picked up my platee and brought it into the dinning room.

"Why did you stop like that though?" He asked me, worry plain as day in his voice.

"I just felt something funny. I've been feeling something funny in my stomach for the last couple of days." I told him with a small frown. "I'm not sure what it is either."

"Well, what does it feel like? Does it hurt at all?" He questioned me.

"No, I'm not in any pain. It's kinda like gas bubbles maybe, or maybe like butterflys? But it's kinda different then that, you know?" I tried to explain to him as best I could. It wasn't one hundred percent accurate, but it was kind of close.

"Bubbles you say? Don't worry, I think I know what it is, Alfie." He said to me excitedly. I perked up at that, interested as to why got him excited. "I think you may be feeling the babies moving around!"

I spit out my bite of the sandwich. "Wait a second, really? Is that what it is?" I asked him, my excitment growing by the second.

"Sounds like it to me, and you are in the right time frame for you to start feeling them." He confirmed. I could hear the growing smile in his voice. "I am a little surprised you started feeling it so soon, considering this is your first pregnancy, but this does happen."

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" I squeeled into the mouth piece, my heart rate picking up in excitment. "I have to go tell Ivan!"

"Go do it bro! I'll call you back later." Mattie laughed before hanging up.

I put the phone down and squeeled with delight. I quickly made my way up the stairs to the studdy where Ivan was working on paper work. He spends a good portion of his days in there when we aren't doing anything. Since he moved in he's been doing a good portion of my paper work as well. Nothing classified or super important. Just the stupid things that need my attention, but will still put unneeded stress on me. He is always so sweet to me. I busted thre door open, startling the biger nation. He looked up at me with wide, worried eyes.

"Ivan guess what!" I shouted as I walked up to him.

"Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack Alfred." He gently scolded, but still allowed me to climb into his lap. "Now, what is it that happened."

"So, remember how yesterday I was telling you about the weid fluttering in my stomach?" I asked him, glee clear in my voice. He nodded his yes, though the confused look stayed on his face. "Well today it happened again, only I was talking on the phone with Mattie. I stopped talking when it happened and Mattie asked me what was wrong, so I explained to him what happened. And you'll never guess what the fluttering actually is."

"What is it?" He asked me curiously, head slightly tilted to the side.

"It's the babies! They're moving around in me! I can now feel them moving!" I squeeled at him. His eyes whent wide as he stared at me.

"You can feel them?" He asked quietly, almost breathless. Joy made his eyes almost glow.

"Yes, yes I can." I said happily as I nuzzled into his neck. I sighed contently where I layed against him.

He gently placed a hand on my slightly swollen stomach. Wonder and excitement filled his amethest eyes as he moved his hand around. I watched him lovinly. He has taken to occasionly petting or rubbingmy stomach, and I'm sure it is only going to increase now that they are moving around. I know it will still be a while yet before they are kicking, but still the point remains. By just rubbing he was showing our little ones how much he loves them. He is letting them know he is there, waiting for them. Ready to protect them with all his being.

It is going to be somethings special to watch his face the first time they do start kicking him. When he gets to feel them for the very first time. He'll get to see the life in my stomach for himself. Our sweet, preciouse, little angles. It is going to be a wonderful moment. Just like this one.


Tell me what you think! And remember, I'm always up for some suggestions! If theri is something you want to see, just let me know!

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