O' Say, Can You See

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I looked through my cloths, trying to find an outfit that will both fit me and be as patriotic as possible. Ivan watched me with a slightly exsasperated smile, mostly because I've been doing this for the last twenty minutes. He was dressed in a red t-shirt, blue jeans, and ever present white scarf. He had been dressed for about seventeen minutes now. I, on the other hand, can't decide.

"Fredka, you have been switching between outfits for the last twenty minutes. Can you not just pick one?" He asked me as I changed shirts yet again.

"No, I can't. Normally I'm not this picky, but it's my birthday today. I can't just pick anything. I need to set an exsample for my people!" I told him in a slightly annoyed tone. I switched shirts yet again.

"Why is this so hard for you?" He asked as he came up behind me. Strong arms wrapped around my waist, careful not to squeez too hard.

"I look like a whale and I have breasts at the moment." I deadpaned. "Nothing I put on looks right, you know? It's either too tight, not patriotic enough, too hot, or just looks wrong." I told him, small tears pricking at the edge of my eyes.

"I see." He hummed as he looked through my cloths. "What do you normally do for your birthday?"

"Well, a couple of years ago Mattie and I would dress in more or less opposet colors. I would get blue and would dress in red. Then we each took the other two colors of my flag and use them as highlights." I told him as I thought back to all the years we would do this.

"Do you think he would do it again with you this year?" He asked me. He was shifting through my cloths, looking at each shirt.

"Maybe, I didn't really ask. I was a bit too nervouse." I admittied and a small blush formed across my cheecks.

"Why don't you dress up like that anyway? Take a gamble to what he'll do." He suggested, tone encouraging.

"Okay, I don't see the harm. Blue is my favoriot color anyway." I nodded my head. "But which shirt should I wear?"

"How about this one?" He said handing me a shirt. It was a navy blue t-shirt that had somewhat faded white stars all over the front. It was big enough to completly cover my rounded stomach, and though a little on the warm side, was still pretty comfertable to wear. I don't know why I didn't think of this one in the first place. "You can also wear those white gloves I gave you. As the white highlight, since those stars are pretty faded."

"Yea, that'll work out perfectly. You're a life saver Vanya!" I giggled. "I can also ware a pair of really streachy blue jeans, but you'll have to help me put them on." I told him as I started to get said outfit put together. "Now, what for the red?"

"How about your red pair of tennis shoes?" Ivan suggested.

"Good, but not enough." I said thoughtfully as I started to put on the outfit.

The red tennis shues were down stairs in the closet, so I wasn't going to put it on untill we leave. I was still thinking when Ivan was helping me put on the jeans. He was pulling them up while I clung to him for balance. It was then that I remembered I had a red headband. It was a gift from Francis, but I never used it. After I got the jeans on I dug into the back of my dresser. There, way in the back, was the headband. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. Sure, the outfit looked kinda rediculus, but who cares? As long as I was in my colors.

"I like it." Ivan said from behind me.

"Thanks big guy." I said leaning up to give him a kiss. He happily returned it for a long moment. "Thanks for helping me pick out an outfit."

"Any time moya lyubov." He said kissing my temple.

We walked down stairs to where Mattie was making breakfast. I smelled the air and picked up the sent of pancakes and something else. We walked into the kitchen where the other three were waiting for us. I immedently noticed their clothing. Nat was in a sky blue sundress with white sleves and a red ribon. Kat was in a white sundress, her usual blue headband on, and red bead braclets with a matching red necklace. Mattie was dressed in a red t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and had a pair of white sunglasses on his head. He was dressed as my color opposite.

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