Preston x reader

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(This is were your a forest spirit...and play the song when I say...enjoy!)

Preston's P.O.V:

As David led us to go to our tents I swear I heard something like a voice filled with passion, it was beautiful.

"Hay David do you hear that?" I asked him.

"No, what do you hear?" He asked kneeling down to my hight.
I closed my eyes and listened, "A girl singing." I replied smiling.

"That could be the forest spirit." Gwen said coming out of nowhere.
"No ones seen her and people say they hear her sing the story of her ancestor, they look but can't find her, so other people just think there crazy." She said.

"Crazy or not her voice is beautiful." I say going in to my tent.
I couldn't sleep after hearing what I did, I needed to find her, I need to hear her story.

I got up carful not to wake my tent mate, I grabbed my notebook and pencil.

I continued walking and the singing got louder, I could also hear a slight sound of a drum too.

I continued with only the light of the moon to guide me through the trees.

I found a large fallen tree in the centre of a clearing, I still heard the singing from it and decided to hide behind a tree around the clearing.

(Play the song)
I heard a flute play but only for a bit till She put it down and took the drum and played along with her singing, it was heavenly yet sad, I took notes as I looked to see a girl there, she was beautiful, her (h/l)
(h/c) hair with flowers went perfectly with her (s/c) skin, her eyes were closed so I couldn't see the colour, her gown was white fading to green with mint green side sleeves and a rose.

(Play the song)I heard a flute play but only for a bit till She put it down and took the drum and played along with her singing, it was heavenly yet sad, I took notes as I looked to see a girl there, she was beautiful, her (h/l) (h/c) hair with fl...

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(Elaine...poor Ban...)

She was banging on the drum with her hand softly and continued to sing her sad song of her ancestor, I could tell she was ready to cry but she never did.

The moon shon on her perfectly as she jumped off from the tree and continued to dance around the area, flowers randomly started to sprout around with meany different colours as she sang and danced around.

She suddenly stopped and opened her emerald green eyes and looked around, till she spotted me and just stared, I got nervous, I could tell my face was red because of her beauty.

"H-human?" She spoke with worry, I came from behind the tree and stepped forward, she stepped back with fear placed on her face.
"W-what is your purpose for your arrival?" She asked still staring at me.

"I-I heard your song, I am P-Preston Goodplay and I think you sing beautifully." I said

"I-is that all, you did not come for her." She asked.

"Who?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

Just then I saw the moon placed right above us, she looked shocked and ran really fast towards me, pushing me to the ground along with her on top of me.

A giant, lovely shining light blue flower blossomed out of the ground behind the fallen tree.

She looked at it and got up, she walked to it and cried with a smile on her face as she hugged it, she looked surprised for a moment and looked to me, she walked back to me and grabbed my hand pulling me to the stem of the flower.

Her hand was still on mine and she placed my hand on the stem of the flower, I felt a new feeling of hope, love, warmth, and sadness all at once, I felt something go down my face, I was crying.

I then felt relief, the flower bent over and seemed to examine me, then it went to normal and left.

"Dance with me, Preston Goodplay." The girl said, I looked at her and she was smiling with tears finding there way down her face.

"It would be an honour!" I replied, she smiled more and gave me her drum, she picked up her flute and we just danced around in circles.
We ended dancing and laughed, she put her flute down on the ground and lay down.

I sat next to her and looked at the rising sun, "your not like most humans." She said turning her head to look at me.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked, she giggled and smiled.

"Ya, your fun, nice, good on the tambourine for sure." She replied holding my hand, "even she thought so." She said smiling, then it faded.

"Shame I have to leave back to camp though." I said, she looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Y-your not staying?" She asked, her eyes watering.

"Unfortunately, they might come and look for me." I said standing up, she kept hold of my hand though.

"M-May I come to?" She asked looking away.

"Only if you want to." I said pulling her up from the ground.

"Of course I do." She smiled and grabbed her flute and tambourine.

"Ok, I'll lead the way then." I said holding onto her hand, then I just realized. "What's your name?" I asked looking at her.

She gave a smile still looking forward and answered. "(Y/n)" she said.

"Lovely name." Was all I said as we kept walking, we got to the end and she suddenly stopped both of us, I looked to her with concern, "Are you ok?" I asked, she gave me a sad smile and started to cry.

"I-if this doesn't work I need to do something beforehand." She said looking down crying harder, I got closer to her and lifted her head up to look at me.

"If What didn't work?" I ask feeling a little scared, she looked at me with her watery eyes and let go of my hand and put her hand on my cheek instead. She got closer, she then put her lips to mine and I could feel my heart beat faster.

She pulled away and something seemed different about her, she opened her eyes and they were no longer the vibrant emerald green but they were now (e/c), she took my hand again and walked walked to the border, I walked out first, she followed, hesitation in her beautiful eyes, but followed none the less.

She closed her eyes waiting for something to happen, but nothing happened, she seemed to be ok.

"What are you doing out here Preston?" A voice asked, I turned to see David, "and who is this young lady with you?" He asked looking behind me.

She suddenly opened her eyes, she looked at her hands, legs, and felt her face. "I-I'm still here." She said crying more.

"This is (Y/n), she was the one singing in the forest." I explained.

"Well then it's wonderful to meet you!" David said happily.

"It's nice to meet you too." She replied, she held onto my hand tighter and smiled.

My little forest spirit, well be together for a long while.

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