Chapter 10: NO SLEEPING (part 2)

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*****Pewdie’s POV*****

My thoughts swirled violently in my head, tumbling around and making me feel dizzy as I walked with Stephano. I was nearly positive that the only thing on his mind was finding the way to send me back to Sweden, and I was almost certain that he wouldn’t be accompanying me. Though I wished to protest to it, knowing I’d miss Stephano dearly, I knew that his stubborn ways would refuse and send me off without a second thought. It was better, in my mind, not to argue. It’d only make things harder.

Now hunching over to walk through a tight space, Stephano in my right hand, I tried to shoo the idea of Stephano and I staying together even after I went back… Home? It didn’t feel quite right to think of Sweden as my home anymore. My cozy apartment was a distant memory now, and the thought of my big computer set up being lonely seemed ridiculous to me. Then, I remembered that just a few months ago I would have thought of talking chairs and stubborn French statues as ridiculous as well. In any case, this castle, though in need of serious renovation—and extermination, seemed more like my home than any place ever had.

As we came closer to this bright light near the end of this tunnel, a sudden pain hit me. My heart felt empty and my eyes watered a little as I recalled a very faint memory from my childhood. Somberly, I said, “It’s almost like they tell you when you get hurt… When it’s bad enough that you could die… They say you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel, and going to it will take you away from the world of the living.”

Stephano glanced up at me, and I tried to avoid eye contact. I could tell by his expression that my sad remark made him wonder about me, yet I had nothing to say back to him. Perhaps he wondered what my statement meant, or perhaps he just wondered how someone like me, usually so happy and lively, could muster a tone so dismal and not burst into tears at the same time. With my eyes focused downward, I walked on toward the light, which was now very bright. Beams of light reflected on Stephano’s face, lighting up his golden eyes, and glinting off his sword. It made me want to look at him, but to avoid an even more awkward tension to the silence.

Finally, I walked through the threshold into a very elegant looking room with a high ceiling. Very detailed sconces hung on the walls with lit candles in them. The melted wax dripped slowly down the sides of the candle, and focusing on that seemed to help unwind the twisted knot in my stomach. I pulled my attention away for a moment to examine the rest of the room. Stacks of parchment sat on a very fine oak desk along with several books, quills, ink, and several vials of unknown substances. A very regal and expensive looking chair was tucked under the desk. A small table sat along another wall. Two smaller candles sat on either side of a very old looking portrait of a quite beautiful woman.

The room was rather silent except for the distant sound of a piano being played. There was a window near the small table, and for a moment I dared to look outside. There was a small village, which I had almost no memory of. Small homes clustered around a small square. The moon’s pale light reflected off of a calm lake. Everything outside seemed sleepy and peaceful, and I wished I was there. It made no sense to stay here. I knew there had to be a way from this odd house of horror out to the village, and I needed to find it. Perhaps the answer to my return to Sweden was hidden somewhere in one of those small homes. I looked at Stephano, who stared out the window, lost deep in thought.

Suddenly, a splitting headache hit me, and I groaned. Without realizing it, I dropped Stephano as I fell to my knees squeezed my head with my hands, trying to ease the pain. My eyes closed as I attempted to stop the pounding in my head. I felt cold hands on me, and though it was dark, I knew Stephano was trying to comfort me. His accent slipped through softly as he spoke to me, saying, “It’ll be okay, Pewdie. Calm down.”

I nearly screamed, lying on the ground in pure agony. Many long moments passed, and I remained on the floor, quiet. As the pain finally began to subside, melting away into a pure rush of energy, I picked Stephano up off of the floor, standing up. He looked a little confused, but I continued, looking through the room for some kind of clue. In one of the drawers of the desk, I found a stack of letters. I read through the first few, finding nothing of interest. As I skimmed through, something caught my eye.

My love,

I wish you’d only realized that holding the poor Swede captive would bring us nothing more than suffering and pain. I feel as though I’ve been imprisoned as well, and you, though you’re my love, are my captor. Not to mention the fact that you’ve been acting rather… hmm… odd. While Felix may be an asset to you, he has nothing to do with me. I wish not to disturb the life of a poor child, and therefore I’ve left. My room is nearly empty, and I doubt I’ll return unless you release that undeserving boy and the rest of those innocent people. It’s unfair to them that you wish to use them for evil. They didn’t ask anything of you that they might owe you a favor for… And while I’m still your Gothic beauty, I believe I shall keep from seeing you until you return to acting like yourself, my dear…



My eyes widened at this letter. Who did it belong to? I knew who’d written it, and judging by the well written Gothic calligraphy, she’d had a lot of time to practice this letter. Who was this “love” she spoke of, though? I couldn’t possibly think of anyone, and I turned to Stephano, hoping he’d have an answer. He looked back at me. “This is from Alexandria… oh, my…”

Puzzled, I shifted my gaze to the letter, and then back to Stephano. “Who is she?...”

Stephano remained quiet for a few minutes, frowning and staring at the letter. I didn’t ask again, but waited in the uncomfortable silence, knowing he’d answer me eventually. I watched carefully as Stephano shook his head. “She lived here, just before you got here. That…that beast was her husband at one point. To be honest, she was quite beautiful in a dark way. I can’t imagine why she’d have stuck with him. She left because of you, Feli—I mean, Pewdie.” He explained, his cheeks looking a little pink, embarrassed that he’d almost called me by my true name.

“What?! She left because of ME?! So, that beast wants to kill me because she left, right? This whole big thing is her fault then. I don’t even know why I’m here!” I exclaimed, feeling a little pissed off.

Stephano put a hand on my shoulder and patted it. “It’s alright, Pewds. We’ll get you out of here soon!” he said enthusiastically, which made me get up. 

I stormed out of the room, and I knew suddenly where I had to go. Now was the time to take advantage of the quiet night in the castle.

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