Chapter 12: Thank Them

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  • Dedicated to PewDiePie

*****Pewdie’s POV*****

There was something wrong. Just after the lights flickered out, the room was too quiet, too uncomfortable. I wished Stephano would say something, anything, to calm my fried nerves. I wished that he would approach me with a hug and say, “It’s okay.”

But he didn’t. It was all quiet, and as the moments slowly ticked by, my mind began to wander. I tried to make the uncomfortable silence go away. “Stephano? Why don’t you tell me about that time you saved me from the bro?” I said, adding a nervous laugh.

I received no reply, causing me to shiver. Dread washed over me, as I suddenly realized the truth. I threw my bag down on the well-made bed, rummaging through my bag for a tinderbox to light the candle in the sconce. There were a handful of them in the bottom of my bag. My trembling hand couldn’t seem to grasp one quickly enough. As soon as I had the cold tinderbox in my hand, I shakily lit the candle in the hopes that I would see Stephano, holding back cruel laughter in the dull light. Instead, when the flame roared to life, I was greeted with an empty bedroom and a trail of rose petals leading out the closed door.

Suddenly feeling a cold fist gripping my soul, draining all energy from me, I shuffled to the door with my pack. My hand touched the cold knob and a shock rushed through my body. Another agonizing headache swept over me. I groaned, trying to open the door. Violently twisting the knob, a scary thought hit me. It’s locked. Letting go, I tossed my pack down, cursing. Stephano wouldn’t let you give up, you sorry excuse for a Viking. A French sounding voice reminded me in the back of my mind.

Unable to focus on getting back up and finding Stephano, I lay on the bed trying not to upset the tucked in comforter, and waited for the terrible headache to subside. I remembered the few vials of laudanum that I’d tucked away in my dusty bag, and I scrambled off the bed to get them, hoping the potion would ease my pain. Before taking the liquid down, I filled my lantern with the little oil I had and turned it on. The flame made the room a lot brighter, and it made me feel a bit better. I uncorked the vial of laudanum and counted backward from 3.

The taste of the liquid made me nearly gag. I was getting a little worn out from so much running, mixed with the effect of the medicine, but I had to find a way out. Stephano, though often stubborn and independent, would need my help if he ever wanted to escape with me. A painful thought hit me. He doesn’t want to leave with you. I shook the thought away, trying to keep my thoughts toward saving my dear friend. Trying hard to push through the headache, which had barely begun to melt away, I banged against the door, trying to open it.

“Damn it, open!” I shouted as I took a step back and weakly kicked the door.

It hardly moved. The more I tried to open the door, the weaker I got. By the time I gave it a rest, I was exhausted, stumbling awkwardly around the room. A vase of black roses on top of the piano fell over, and shards of glass spewed across the floor. I jumped out of the way just in time to dodge a long, sharp piece of glass that came hurtling toward my leg. I fell against the seat in front of the piano, struggling to hold myself up. I was growing weaker and weaker by the moment, and the headache seemed to fight the medicine.

Just as I was slipping to the floor, fighting to hold my eyes open, the door swung violently open. I was suddenly wide awake. In the door, all I could see was a blinding light and a large torso filling the door frame. I skittered backward, hitting my back against the bench. The figure took a step forward. His bluish grey skin suddenly became clearer as he swung his club-like paw at me.

Then, within a flash, the figure changed to a tall, dark haired man. His straight bridged nose held up a small pair of glasses, which reflected off the candle, which was now lit. A young woman appeared on the bed, sitting with her back straight. Her black dress and veil were adjusted perfectly. Not a single fold was out of place. But, something was wrong. Tears slid down her face, but she was silent. The man took another step in. “Alexandria?” he asked.

The beautiful girl remained silent, only tilting her head up to look at the man. He obviously looked a lot older than Alex did. She didn’t seem to like the man, or be as interested in him as he was in her. He studied her face from the door. “Alex!” he said louder, walking up right in front of her.

She shifted a little bit, and turned her eyes down. “Alexandria, whatever is the matter with you?” the man asked, sounding a bit agitated.

Alexandria looked up to him. “I received a letter from my mother.” She whispered.

The man’s face grew more concerned as he sat next to her, placing a hand on Alexandria’s shoulder. She shook it off, pulling away defensively. He sighed at her and adjusted uncomfortably. “What did she say, my love?” he asked.

Beautiful as she was, her dark aura seemed to grow to encompass the two of them as she thought about her response. Alexandria seemed to choose her words carefully in her mind before even attempting to speak. Finally, she said something. “My brother is dead.” She said plainly, emotionless.

Instinctively, my hand covered my mouth. Weak from the laudanum and exhaustion, moving my hand that’d supported me caused me to fall back against the bench, causing a loud, obnoxious scraping sound. The couple looked at me, and the man’s face grew angry. He stood up and stomped toward me, shouting so loud I couldn’t understand anything he said.

The louder he shouted, the redder his face grew. My eyes got wider and wider as his face inched closer to mine. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my feet, still yelling. Alexandria watched me from the bed with sad eyes. The man pulled me out into the hallway and dragged me down the hall. I wanted to kick and scream but I was too weak to do so. 

Further down the hall, it was even darker than before. He stopped in front of a room and fumbled in his pocket for a key. Once he found it, he unlocked the door. Still red in the face from yelling, he threw me into the room. The door slammed, leaving me in the darkness. “Thank you.” Someone whispered.

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