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 Hey hey! How's it going? It's going okay on our end. So, we have multiple reasons for not posting. . . but there are two main ones. First reason: THE FLU (DUN DUN DUNNNNNN) Kay' so, the flu legit came to our school(s) and annihilate us. Like lowkey full-on obliterated us lol. We couldn't do anything besides lay in bed and watching animu like the weebtrash we are. Second reason: Highschool (dun dunnnn) Highschool also came in and destroyed us. Went full terminator style and broke us down.  (Forever, we aren't even talking rn. Like this whole day we haven't said a word besides this, "Hey, it feels good outside. You should go out. - Anna" "Hm, Nah...  Oh! Maybe, I just finished my essay. - Nori") Lol legit that was it. 

   Anyways!~ Just letting everyone know that we are as alive as we can be and is going through life pretty okay. Anyways, that's all for this post. I will post a chapter soon, so don't expect to wait too long. hehe!~ Bai-bai!!!~~~  - Nori~

The Ouran Bruh Club | If Josie and I was in an anime #1Where stories live. Discover now