Chapter 7: The Sorceress Yu-Baaba

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“Anyone going up, just pull the lever down!” Rin called behind her back. I struggled to dislodge my arm from the weight of the spirit pressing in on me, but I was able to grasp the cold metal handle and yank down hard. Immediately the doors began to shut but before they were completely closed, I caught the sight of Rin dropping the newt down her throat with a smack of her lips and the frog/man howled with sorrow.

Chapter 7: The Sorceress Yu-Baaba

The elevator ride felt eternally long squished to the side of the hairy, obese spirit. He seemed to smell faintly of radishes, which in my opinion was an odd odor for a spirit. The doors opened once on a party floor but seeing that this was not where we needed to go, the white radish spirit tugged the handle down and we continued to zoom upwards.

On the top floor, the spirit got out with me and looked around; we were in a dark corridor with fancy wallpaper. Vases which had to be at least twice my size lined the entire dark hallway, and each had a spooky halo around the edges. Two enormous red doors jutted out of the wall, with windows adorning the tops and a giant stone eagle set in the wall above both. A gold knocker was set in the middle of each enormous door, shaped like the head of an old metal hag. What a pleasant sight.

The radish spirit retreated into the elevator and honestly, I felt like doing the same thing. Who could blame him? He bowed to me and I mimicked the traditional Japanese gesture before the doors slid close, interrupting my one chance for escape.

My flats echoed against the tiled floor as I approached the elegant entrance to the sorceress Yu-Baaba’s lair. Here goes nothing, I breathed, and ascended the steps to the door on the right. There were ornamental plates on the walls surrounding the door, but I didn’t notice them. I didn’t even notice the handles shaped like bird’s wings. The ugly knocker was more grotesque up close, but what really grabbed my attention was when it spoke when I attempted to pull the door open.

“Not going to knock?” The hag’s head asked. I shrieked as the metal face’s eyes rolled and the mouth opened again. “What a puny girl!”

I stepped back, my body shaking in fear, just as the heavy doors opened themselves. There was a sitting room beyond the doors with equally impressive décor, and those doors were opening themselves as well. In fact, four sets of huge doors opened to form a long hallway lit by chandeliers. My teeth wouldn’t stop chattering, and it wasn’t because I was cold.

Come closer” an evil, ancient voice spoke from the depths but it had sounded like she had whispered into my ear. I stepped back.

“I said… closer.” Suddenly a huge burst of wind grabbed my limbs and pulled me forward through the doors, all of which slammed after me. I was dragged through a huge corridor, then to the right passing 20 foot tall vases as I went. One more hallway down and I went flying through the air, into a large room and I tumbled spectacularly to a stop in front of a roaring hearth.

“Ow! Damn!” My neck cracked after my fall and I cradled it in my hands, massaging my poor neck while I attempted to sit up. The rug underfoot was scratchy; the fire was roaring but the room still felt too cold. The theme seemed to consist of red velvet: Red velvet curtains, cushions, linen, and plush couches. Event the desk, which was piled high with papers and books, had a red covering.

But the weirdest décor seemed to be jumping right towards me, and they weren’t red pillows.

“AH!” I screeched as three grotesque heads, without bodies to match, hopped around me making ‘Oi’ sounds. Their eyes stared hopelessly in either direction and their beards covered the bloody hole which represented their separation. Each was identical to the last, with squashed noses and moldy skin, rolling and hopping around me.

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