The transformation

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I woke up mid procedure to the sounds of my own screams.

--le time skip due to too much screaming /(0_0)/--

As I was dragged off of the experimentation table whimpering like a 5 year old with a skinned knee, they dragged me to Bugs' cell where I begin to lose consciousness again. Before I do, I feel very cold as my cousin calls my name.

--Le consciousness skip (x_x)--

'Stars, so many. It's beautiful!'

"Ma... wak... up!"

I groan, and try opening my eyes, but to no avail. I try again, and I see a sliver of light poke through. I manage to slowly open my eyes and that gives me the jolt to get back up. As I lie on the floor of the cell, I think that there is something wrong with me, and I emedeitly (A/N sorry, I never remember how to spell that) know there is because my cousin feels overly hot.

"Why do you feel so hot?" I mumble to him. Then he retorts in an equally worried tone.

"I don't know, why do you feel so cold?"

I get up and find it hard to balance, and by the way Bugs gasps, I'm guessing its not a good reason.

'At least they have decent bathrooms in here' I think as I close the door behind me to look into the mirror. Bad idea. As soon as I looked in, I regretted ever looking in the first place, because when I do, I don't see me staring back. Instead, I see someone with white hair, light green eyes, my hoodie, and with my emerald amulet. (A/N He had brown hair before the transformation.) I gasp, immediately startled by my wings and tail, and I some how know I'm an ice dragon hybrid. The gasp only results in an extremely fogged mirror.

'Strange.' I thought. I breath again, this time, the mirror and the edges around it freeze completely. I smiled, 'This is pretty cool!' (A/N no pun intended) I unlock the door and walk out smiling.

"That's not how I first reacted." My cousin said while frowning.

"That's because you didn't do what I just did!" I exclaimed as Bugs now gave me a puzzled expression, which quickly turned to amazement as he looked behind me at the mirror.

"That's insane!" he whisper yells, due to the guards.

"I know right? All I did was put all of my feelings (A/N: THE FEELZ ARE REAL!!!) into one outward puff!" As I guided Bugs on how to use his elemental breathing powers, I guided him closer and closer to the guard. Eventually, his powers hit the guard zapping, and killing him. "Nice!" I told my cousin while the guard disintegrated into code. But he just stood there in shock.

"I... Killed him." He said.

"Yeah, but now we can get free!" Apparently that was too much on him though because he just kept staring at the now empty chair. "Hey, he deserved it! after all of the pain this place has put us through?"

"But I didn't want to kill anyone!"

"Dude, come on! I can use my powers to get to work on the bars!" Even after telling him, he just stood there. I sighed and went to work on the bars, freezing them enough to break them with one punch. The sound of the bars breaking snapped my cousin out of it as I pointed at the hole, Vanna White style and he gave me a tired smile. I smile back and we walk out the hole, one at a time.

"Follow me, I think I know where the door is." he says gleefully. I just nod and follow him.

--der maze like time skip--

"Finally!" I yelp in happiness. "The exit!" as we walk out, our journey just starts to begin.


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