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As me and my cousin walk out of the building, I thought that it was too easy. Thats when I realized there must have been a silent alarm. i quickly look behind us and notice one guard peeking out of the door. I alert my cousin and we both prepare for a fight. As I got into my battle stance however, I noticed that my nails had been replaced by extending talons. Bugs seemed to notice too. We look at each other as some more guards pour out. The same thought was going through our heads, CHARGE! As we rushed the guards talons a' blazing, I noticed that Bugs was hesitating to kill the guards. I worked my way closer earning myself a scratch on the cheek from a guard's sword. As I approach, I kill a guard that had gotten behind him. He gives a quick thanks, and as the numbers of guards dwindle, me and Bugs have lots of more assorted cuts and bruises. As I finish off the last guard, me and my cousin are breathing heavily. We plop on the ground thankful for a break. After about an hour of rest, we set off in order to get as far away as possible from this place of a Hell hole.


As me and my cousin continue walking, I had a sudden realization, why not FLY away? As I mention this to Bugs, he smiles and says "Why not? We haven't tried yet have we?" As we spread our wings, I suddenly realize something. "WAIT!" I yell out.

"What now?" Bugs grumbles.

"What if we get seen?" Bugs seems hesitant now that I've mentioned this scary idea. Then his eyes twinkle.

"We'll fly above the clouds so people will think we're birds!" His idea WAS sound, but I'm scared of heights. I don't like being high up in general unless I know for sure I'm safe.

"Fine, that was a good suggestion." as he lifts off on his electric blue wings, I spread my white wings, and take off. A few feet or so off of the ground and I start to feel queasy, but I try to ignore it. As I get higher up, I start to feel less queasy, and I chase after my Sonic the hedgehog speed cousin.


As me and Bugs fly faster and faster, I seem to be the only one keeping track of time. As I look at the horizon, I see that It's almost night time. I flap as hard as I can so I can catch up to tell him. When I get close, I signal him to head to the ground. He nods and we head down to the ground. When we reach it, we carry on (A/N: CARRY ON CARRY ON! *bag pipe noises*) finding a cave. By the time we do find one, its already dark. Luckily, I had taken some torches from the facility when we were leaving, and no mobs spawned that night. But what we find tomorrow will change us forever.

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