Chapter 1

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Emma's POV 

Flashbacks fill my mind for days. The high school years before everything happened. Before I lost the closest people to me. The reminder of what happened burns through my mind everyday. Flashback 7 years ago.

You know that feeling when you feel like you slept the best sleep ever? Yeah me neither. honestly I don't even remember the last time I got a good night sleep. Getting out of Bed, I grabbed my phone and started to head downstairs. My mom was either out for breakfast with her friends or she's in the kitchen with them. They are inseparable, which brings me to me and my Best Friends. My mom Anna met, Marissa, Callie, and Emily when they were freshman in high school, they've been Best Friends ever since. I can't remember a time in my life when they weren't there. An Odd coincidence, they all got pregnant within the same year. Emily first giving birth to Matthew(Matt), then Callie had Conner, Marissa had Ryan, and then as you can see I was born. I guess following in our moms footsteps, Me, Conner, Ryan, and Matt became best friends right away. They have always been there for me, they were there when I was sad, angry, when my dog died in Elementary school, When Kids picked on me in middle school which they beat up, creating the start of their Bad Boy Vibe, When I went through my first break up Freshman year Rip Peter. I've been there for them just as much, When Matt's parents got divorced in middle school, When Ryan went through a rough time after his girlfriend cheated on him, and Lastly when Conner went through a smoking addiction. We've been there for each other since diapers, and since I'm an only child they are like the siblings I've never had. Walking in the hallway I heard laughter, meaning every ones in the Kitchen. I walked in and my mom was the first to notice me.

"Hey sweetheart how'd you sleep?" she asked coming over and giving me a plate of food and a kiss on my head.  I was about to answer when Matt talked first.

"Aunt Anna you know Emma she stays up late for hours." He smirked. Everyone started laughing while I glared at him. Ignoring his comment, which he's going to hear a rant about that later. I turned back to my mom.

"Where's dad?" I asked, noticing everyone was here, even Matt's dad, and he's normally working, him and Emily are still friends even after everything that happened with the divorce. The room got quiet. My mom looked at me with a small smile.

"He got a call last night, it was urgent, he's on a business trip for 2 months." She said looking down playing with her hands. He didn't even say goodbye? Why wouldn't he say goodbye. 2 months is gonna be long. I didn't realize I was deep in thought till I heard Conner.

"Em?" He said. I looked up and realized everyone was waiting for me to say something.

"I guess 2 months will go by fast." I said giving my mom a small smile. She gave me a hug. I looked over at the boys, and by the looks on their faces they know I'm lying.

"Alright we have plans today, and you 4 are gonna be by yourself so Emma please make sure they don't do anything stupid." Callie said while they all grabbed their stuff.

"Me and you both know I can try but I'll try." I said with a laugh while the boys groaned. Once they all left I turned to face them.

"Of course I'm upset that hes going to be gone for 2 months! What does she think I'm heart less. How the hell did he leave with out saying goodbye. He always says goodbye. anything can happen to anyone, and how would he live with himself if something happened to his daughter and his last words weren't I love you. Why am I even mad about this I-" I was cut off from my rant when I felt 3 pairs of arms wrap around me. Then I burst into tears.

"It's going to be okay em, we're right here." Ryan said, kissing my head. We all stayed like this for a couple more minutes, before pulling away. Conner and Matt kissed my cheek before getting the ice cream and candy while me and Ryan set up the living room, and picked out a movie. This has been a thing since we were kids, whenever one of us was upset we would have them pick out a movie and eat tons of Junks. I decided to pick an older movie and put on 16 candles, because I know they wouldn't watch it with me unless we did this. last time I picked The Edge Of 17 which is an amazing movie, and they made a big deal about it the day after. Me and Ryan finished setting up, the same time Matt and Conner came in with ice cream and junk. We all laid down, Ryan and Conner on my left and right side while Matt laid on my feet. I pressed play, Matt was the first to speak.

"Ah 16 candles, your lucky it's tradition Em." He shook his head with a smile. We all watched the movie.

"Man Jake Ryan is so hot. I need a Jake Ryan." I said basically gawking at the screen. The boys rolled their eyes.

"What I mean look at him." I said.

"Yes your right Emma, Jake is totes a Cutie like oh my god." Ryan said in a girly voice, Making us all laugh. Once the movie finished, we cleaned up our mess and decided to go out to eat. I got dressed and we walked out to the garage. Grabbing my keys I through them to Matt, since he's been driving the longest and I trust him the most with my baby. Yep I just called my car my baby. Once we started driving we couldn't decide on what we wanted and Ryan would not shut up about him wanting Subway.

"I need To eat Fresh okay, I just need to." Ryan said, acting like he was dying. See these guys act completely different around me and other people. Like no one would ever hear Ryan say something like that.

"If we get you Subway will you please shut the hell up." Conner groaned. So we were on the way to subway. After spending like an hour ordering because Ryan was being the pickiest little shit ever. He literally ordered every damn topping. We finished eating and messed around, which led to us getting kicked out, which pissed Ryan off big time. On our way out we ran into the "Queen Bee" Ashley and her minions.

"Heyyyy boys." She said pushing her chest out, or at least trying to, there's nothing really to push out. She snarled at me. "and Gemma" Jeez I've gone to school with her for years, she should at least know my name.

"Its Emma and go away." Conner said glaring at her. Ignoring him she turned to Matt.

"Hey sexy wanna have some fun?"She asked practically jumping on him. He shoved her off. Ryan then stepped up to her.

"Ah would you look at that, we've run into the definition of STD's. Porn star the only thing that would be fun for us is if you go away. Now will you exuse us, I don't want my poor little sister seeing an ugly hoe." He said to her while covering my eyes. Conner and Matt tried holding in their laughter, then started coughing loudly. Ryan then proceeded to say things like "It's okay little sis there, are just scary looking people out there." Ashley gasped then ran away with her minions. We all were dying of laughter walking to the car. Shaking my head, I got in the car, this time me and Ryan in the backseat.

"So toddlers what do you want to do now?"Matt asked laughing. I pretended to think.

"DISNEY WORLD." Ryan yelled. I looked at him with the brightest smile, He knew how much I loved that place. Conner glared at him.

"Somewhere in the state dumbass." He snapped.

"How about our favorite spot?" I asked them with a smile. Matt grinned and started driving to the spot in the woods we found when we were 10 on a family picnic. Once we got there I jumped out of the car running.

"EMMA POO WAIT FOR US."Ryan screamed after me, which led to all of them chasing me. I Only laughed and ran faster. Once I reached the meadow with the lake and waterfall I was tackled by three bodies.

"AHHHH!" I yelled laughing. Which lead us all to laugh. We all laid down on the grass and watched the sky for hours talking. The sun was setting and I yawned. Rolling on my side I looked at the waterfall. Minutes later I felt my eyes droop.

"Emma." I heard, before I fell asleep.

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