Awkward Fake Date

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I sighed as I watched my son, James, finally sleeping peacefully in his crib after ten minutes of singing lullabies to him to get him to doze off.

"I'll be here with him the whole time, go on out, have fun" Jane whispered helping me put on my jacket.

Jane was the babysitter who's coming on tour with us to help me out with James. We've been on tour for a week already though I've not been out with Niall yet so Jane's just been watching the baby with me and trying to get to know him before tonight when she'll be with him all on her own as I've got my first date with Niall, (Well, first fake date anyway).

I tucked James' blanket in even more before Jane pulled me away telling me Niall would be waiting.

Jane was a really nice women. She was in her 50's and had had 4 kids of her own, who were now grown up, so she knew a lot about taking care of them. Her husband Mike also worked with the tour team as one of the boy's bodyguards. Jane was great with James, she could always make him giggle. I trusted her to look after him, she just had that motherly feeling about her, sometimes she reminded me of my own mother.

Not that she even acts like my mother anymore.

"See you later" I whispered to Jane as I quietly left the hotel room.

I walked down to the lobby to see Niall leaning against a pillar, hands in his pockets. His hair was up in a messy quiff and he wore a white shirt, jeans and his white Supras.

"Hey" I said as I approached him causing him to take his hands out his pockets and stand up properly, away from the pillar.

"Hey, you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said nervously.

"My cars out front, this way.." he said walking to the front entrance to the hotel lobby as I followed behind.

This was so weird. Ever since I fell in love with one direction when I was a major fangirl, all I had ever dreamed of was going on dates with Niall and spending time with him, and now that I'm actually going on a date with him, it's just not the same as imagined, it's only fake. Although Niall looks extremely hot and I get to spend the next few hours with him, I'm not excited at all. I feel miserable. I can't help but think he doesn't even want to go on this date. Why would he? why would he ever want to go on a date with some 19 year old, single mother with no proper job and no bright future ahead of her. My life is a mess. Niall would never want to be a part of it.

As we reach the glass doors I can see lots of paparazzi outside and loads of fans.

"Just try and ignore the paps, you'll get used to them, my cars just right there, let's go" Niall said opening the lobby doors for us.

As soon as we stepped out my ears were deafened by screams from the fans and the shouts of paparazzi calling Niall's name and asking him a million questions all at once.

The flashes from the paparazzi's cameras were blinding. All I could see where bright white flashes around me, I couldn't even see Niall..or his car..everything was just bright white flashes!

People were getting pushed closer to me.

I hated it.

I couldn't see at all, I couldn't even hear myself think over all the noise and I felt like I was squashed in a cupboard along with 200 million other people.

It was all so hectic, it was madness.

It was actually scary.

Then I felt someone grab my hand and pull me through the crowd and to the car. As he opened the passenger seat door I recognised it to be Niall who had pulled me through. As soon as he opened the door I gladly climbed in and he closed the door behind me before hurrying round to the drivers side of the car where he quickly got in.

"You okay?" Niall asked starting the engine.

"Yeah I guess, thanks for that, I couldn't see a thing, how on earth do you get used to that? I thought I was gonna die!" I chuckled.

"It's okay. I guess when you get the paps like that all the time it just becomes a part of your life, you have no choice but to get used to it. I hate it." Niall said as he began to drive to the restaurant we were going to.

I felt sorry for him. The boy's dreams were to become sing to thousands of people who adored their music, not to have their privacy and personal space taken away from them.

"Sorry" I managed to say.

"It's not your fault" Niall said plainly.

The whole journey was silent. Neither of us spoke. I felt a bad vibe off of Niall. As if he didn't want to be near me.

We soon reached the restaurant and entered after pushing through a crowd of fans and paps yet again.

We got a table and ordered our food. Once again we sat in silence. I decided to try and make conversation, even if Niall didn't want to.

"'s the first few shows been?" I asked.

"Good" he stated looking away.

"What's it like being on stage? Must be pretty crazy sometimes?" I tried again.

"It's cool" he said still not even bothering to look at me.

"I was watching one of the shows from backstage last night, you guys sounded great" I said trying to get something out of him again.

"Mhm" he quietly murmed.

Wow. Now he's just being rude.

"I was actually a huge fan-" I started before Niall cutting me off.

"Look I don't want to be on this date. I don't care about it. I don't care about you. I don't want a girlfriend and I don't want you to even try and pretend to be my girlfriend or my friend. This is just work. I'd prefer it if we just didn't talk, okay?" he blurted out a little too harshly.

"Fine, if that's how you want it to be then I guess we'll just never talk. Don't want to talk to you if your going to be an ignorant dick anyway." I spat back at him.

Our meal soon came and throughout it all we were completely silent.

It was so awkward.

I was disappointed in Niall. I never would have thought he'd be like this. never thought he would be so rude and ignorant. Guess Niall's not the guy I thought he was all through my fangirl years.

He wasn't some carefree happy guy.

He was a dick.

I hated it.

I could already tell the next 3 months were going to be hard.


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