CH: 4 Welcome to HAVEN

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He was late, Deku was 2 kicks out from the safe house, he double-timed it running and jumping from roof to roof, 15 mins later he reached what appeared to be an abandoned apartment, It looked ragged with a high chance of the building collapsing in on itself. "This safehouse doesn't look safe" Deku joked to himself. He opened the front door to see a worn out, dusty lobby with an old couch. A couple of steps in Deku realized something was wrong........ He pulled out his 1911 switched the safety and aimed directly to 9 o'clock. A man in his mid-30s was aiming an M9 right at Deku, "So your the new guy huh" the mystery man said. He was a blonde with a scruffy beard with a similar outfit to Deku, but he wore a leather jacket over his vest and his holster was on his chest, Instead of a metal half mask like Deku, he wore a black scarf. Deku safetied his sidearm and holstered it to the side of his cargo pants, Deku simply replied with "yea". "My callsign is FROST, follow me". Said the blonde man. And with that, the two walked to an elevator with a complete dark interior, once inside, Frost turned a key and the lift went down, quite fast actually, "For a safe house, we are going rather deep" Deku stated, "Who the fuck said this was a safe house" replied Frost and then a bright light blinded Deku. A sec later Deku opened his eyes and a familiar sight beheld him. A small hanger-like setting similar to the HELL facility but much more down sized was in view, he saw a group of 10 older agents gathered around a briefing table. Deku felt a mix of belonging and sadness. This is where he belonged, he was a soldier, an agent, a part of AFTERLIFE, but he also felt alone, he was an AUG, a freak, and he thought about the last time he was with a group, his training platoon. Its been 5 years since the augments, he hadn't seen another AUG at all since then. AUGs got the most classified missions, they were never public, the only people to be in contact with AUGs were those ordering them, those being rescued by them, or those getting taken down by them, stories would be told, who would believe that kids defeated powerful villans with no obvious quirks. The elevator reached the floor and the two agents walked out to the briefing table surrounded by agents. Everyone stared at the kid, agents usually started fieldwork around the age of 15, doing everything from undercover, counter terrisiom, VIP protection, spying, and headhunting.  One of the older agents spoke out "The fuck, they sent us a fucking rookie" the man snarled. "Can it, this kid has a record, he's been vouched for by HADES, apparently this kid is special" Frost replied. "He looks kinda plain, doesn't look special" Replied the agent. "That's the point" Deku replied, "The most dangerous enemy is the one you least expect". "I like this kid" The agent replied "names READER kid", "Deku" replied Deku, "The fuck kind of name is Deku" A skinny guy snarked. "The fuck kinda name is SOAP" READER snarked back. "CAN IT" Frost ordered. "Deku here is an AUG", "Bull, AUGs don't exist, there made up," said soap. Deku rolled up his skirt sleeve revealing a barcode, "All AUGs have serial numbers" Deku replied. The whole room went quiet.  10 seconds later "So freaks exist after all huh" Soap began laughing, soon everyone started to laugh except for Frost and Reader. Deku didn't do anything his mask covering his mouth, he showed no emotion, It wasn't the first time he was mocked at, Deku had no pride, he was an agent with a mission, that's it, no point in being sad if it's your everyday life he told himself."I heard AUGs have no quirks, they are useless" Soap stated, "At least I can be useful" Soap laughed. Soap then looked directly at the green hair kid, "If you get in my way, I'll kill ya, clear?" Soap said in a mocking and bullyish tone, "Crystal" Deku replied. "Your room is down the hall"-Frost, " Tomorrow we have a briefing on the upcoming operations, get a shower, and some sleep, reveille is 0530 tomorrow"-Frost. "Okay"-Deku. Deku walked down the hall into his room, it was a plain room like all the other ones, he stripped down took a hot shower and crawled into bed, he closed his eyes and remembered the good times he had with his friends. Not knowing about the future.  

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