CH:36 Backup

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Deku and Sprinter spill out into the hall, rifles aimed at the door leading to the emergency stairs. Deku motioned Sprinter to hide in the dark shadows of the hall, waiting to ambush their prey with cold steel daggers.  He whispers Deku-"only engage if we have too, if we take one out the enemy AI system will send reinforcements immediately on us" Sprinter Noded as he readies his blade Sprinter-" go for the back of its neck, I pretty sure I saw wires exposed on the bots" the foot steps beneath them because more louder and louder as the the sound radiated higher along the flight of stairs........... "ACHOO!"   "Shush, your gonna give aw-"    "Wait a minute,  killer robots dont sneeze" Deku yelled internally.   Deku gave a left hand forward, signaling his buddy to press the advantage. Deku kicked the door as him and Sprinter rushed in rifles trained on a little girl and boy standing in the stairwell frozen in fear.  The girl began to get tear.  Sprinter-"shush, its okay, were the good guys, your safe now hun" Sprinter stows his rifle as he picks up the teary girl and began to comfort her.   The last thing they need is a little girl bawling her lungs out in a hostile controlled area.  Deku picked up the boy and the two augs jogged back into the apartment they entered before. 

The girl looked around 5 years old with brown grimy hair and green eyes. The boy looked  around 10 with spiky blond hair Deku-"where are your parents?" Boy-"we got separated during an attack from those robots, we were going to the embassy to hide" Deku-"we'll take you there, if your parents aren't there you will stick with us" Sprinter carried the girl on his back and used some straps to secure her tightly. Like carrying a day pack.  The 4 then headed to the lobby and crossed the street, heading to the US embassy. As they approached the embassy building they halted and waited, listening for any sign of hostile forces. When it was clear they entered via the back service bay which was open. As the 4 made their way to the lobby they checked the living quarters on the second floor. What they saw broke their hopes. 

Civilian bodies were on the floor surrounded by a pool of dry blood. Sprinter took the kids and faced away, hoping to spare them of the view. Deku went to inspect the bodies. He noticed that the bodies were riddled with bulletholes. These people were cornered and slaughtered. Deku vowed he would kill the people responsible. A slow painful death. Deku-"I'll head to the armory, it probably in the basement, stay with the kids" he slowly went down the open lobby stairs rifle aimed on the door beneath him. Good news for him, all the doors were unlocked when everyone was in a panic evacuating. Deku soon reached the armory and what he saw made him sigh in relief.  M4s, lots of M4s racks of M4s,  870 shotguns, mp5s, 9mm handguns, plate carriers. Enough firepower to equip 2 platoons for a  months long combat mission. Deku eyed  duffle bags and began to fill the bags so each survivor could have a rifle, sidearm, armor, and Smg or shotgun. Plus all the ammo he could carry. He called Sprinter over and two carried a bag each Deku took a knee infront of the boy Deku-"We will wait for your parents, if they come we will bring them with us" the boy nodded as the 4 began to hunker down for the night.  Sprinter-"I'll check the kitchen area for food, stay with the kids" Deku nodded as he looked for something comfy for the kids to sit on.

[Pause the story real quick, the content below is all about submarines, i pressume alot of you guys dont know how sub combat works, so in order for you to understand the rest of the chapter, welcome tooo.....

Indiancanadian2's subwarfare guide of wattpad readers

Sound is used by subs in the form of echolocation to see in the dark waters, like bats or toph from the last airbender . Submarines can either listen for noise to try and find its prey's location using a shitload of math (passive sonar) or make a loud sound wave (sonar ping)  and listen for the sound wave bouncing off the target. (Active sonar) like toph when she kicks the ground and knows where people are based off the vibrations she feels. imagine each sub needs to be super quiet, because if one hears the other, the other sub gets to play DODGE THE TORPEDO

Anyway if you have any questions comment down below.

And I apologize to any squids in the audience for inaccurate navy gargon. Im an army guy.   Enjoy the story.]

70km away from the island.  The Japanese submarine JUTISU was rigged for ultra quiet as it slide 600ft below the calm waves above. The sub was in deep open waters and with the calm waves producing little noise, the sub had to run as slient as possible to avoid dectection. The Sub's Co was talking with his Xo about the future insertion of spec ops in the area.
He was interrupted by a call from the sub's engine room.

Engine room-" Conn, ship at 5 knots, batteries charged"

Conn-" engine room, maintain ultra quiet"

CO-"how much longer till we reach insertion point?"

XO-" 7 hours, the spec ops team are getting some sleep before launch"

CO-" Good, weapons status?"

XO-"weapons room reports tubes 1-3 ready for launch with torpedoes"

Co-"Good order a-"

Sonar room-"Conn contact bearing 0-7-0 designation serria one"

CO-"what is it?"

Down below the decks The sonar tech listen carefully as his training kicked in trying to identify the noise source, communicating with his peers.

Sonar tech-" I never heard this before, I hear propellers going at a slow speed. The sound signature matches nothing in our database, wait I got a depth solution, 400ft.

Sonar room-" Conn, Serria one classified as submurged submarine depth, 400ft."

CO-" fuck, all hands man battlestations, get me a target solution on that sub"

XO-" you dont think they have a sub do you?"

CO-" We'll find out on our terms"

Then the sonar tech heard something that made him pale. One signal sonar ping. The enemy sub went active sonar.

The enemy was looking for its prey in the dark underwater battlefield.

Sonar room-"Conn, Serria one went active sonar"

You could hear a pin drop in the control room, as the CO planned on  what to do next.

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