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Deku was approaching the USJ facility with a bag sling behind him on his sports bike. He would arrive their early setting up, making sure the bad guys weren't setting an ambush. Once outside USJ he parked in an alley and donned his gear and weapons. "Well, here I go" Deku thought to himself. Deku had a transponder that could send an alert to police and other agents if need be. He believed that if the league did attack it would be here. Numbers in AFTERLIFE were stretched pretty thinly due to protecting class across Japan. He put on his mask, and activate a jammer. It would prevent cameras from seeing him. Deku jumped into a vent and crawled just under the centre dome. "This place is massive". He saw all the different zones and environments. 5 mins later the class of 1-A arrived with Eraserhead and 13. After a small lecture, a purple portal opened up right below Deku. Then multiple villains came out and headed towards heroes, Deku needed to wait to see the full enemy force and understand the situation. Then he saw hero-13 get knocked out of the fight. He jumped down the vent and landed right in front of the students. The class was shocked, so masked boy just jumped down between them and the villains. Deku-"Look after 13 and don't get in my way". Lida-"Wait who are you". Deku just jumped and ran to the nearest villans pulling out his 1911 and loading a new special round called foam piercing rounds or FP for short. These rounds are basically normal bullets, but once it's in a target it shoots a foam inside the target that causes paralysis and stops any bleeding. Deku keeps it in mind to avoid the vital organs. He emptied a mag taking down 8 villians. He swapped mags and took down 8 more.  He pushed towards the landslide zones only to see 3 students their fighting. A villain was behind a black hair girl ready to strike. Deku got his grapple hook and shot it at the floor and which himself to the villain, dropping an overhead kick knocking the villain out cold. The girl turned around Momo-"T-Thank you", Deku-"I told you to stay put". Momo-"A villain teleported us".  She said in a worried look. Deku could tell she was scared, they all were. Deku then saw the electric kid, Deku-"Hey you how many volts can you put in the ground" Denki was thinking what Deku was. Denki-"You got 5 seconds". Deku knowing what was about to happen grabbed both momo and Jiro by their waist. and shoot a hook up, winching the 3 to higher ground. Denki set off his pulse frying all the villans below, unfortunately, his brain short-circuited. Deku"Are you alright?" he asked the girls Momo,Jiro-"Y-Yes". Deku looked down to see a dumb Denki air thrusting, he jumped down only to see a villan holding Denki hostage. Momo-"Oh no Denki!". Villan-"Don't come any closer or the fried brain gets it". Deku looked at him with emotionless eyes. He then quickly drew his other pistol containing K.O gas and shoot the villain in the face. He went to Denki checked for any injuries and took him to the girls. Deku-"Talke him and head for the entrance, ill help the others, group up and protect yourselves". The girls nodded giving a silent thank you to the mystery boy. Deku proceded to fight getting his 2 wrist blades and attacking enemies, the blade had a built-in taser so it stuns with every slash. At the entrance saw the boy and realized who he was. Ochako-"That's the boy who saved me earlier". Floppy-"what is he doing there, is he a vigilante?. Then the 3 students sent by Deku came up. Momo-"He saved us, who is he?". "Ochako-"He saved me earlier, whoever he is I don't think he is a bad guy". The watched as the green haired teen fought in the battle. Deku's elegance in combat was unrivalled, the way he dodges attacks with backflips and all sorts of flips only to counter with kicks and slashes impressed the students. Bakugo and Eijiro arrived at the entrance after beating up their foes. Bakugo-"Who the fuck is that?". Momo-"that guy saved us from the villains". Bakugo-"Why are we here we should be fighting you fucking extras!." "N-No" 13 said in a whimper 13-"Stay here and only defend yourselves". Bakugo grinded his teeth, "DAMN IT" he yelled as he watched Deku fight "that hair looks familiar he told himself. As the battle progressed it was clear to the villians who were the biggest threats, Eraserhead and Deku. After loading a new mag he saw Eraserhead fight multiple villains, knowing that he couldn't hold out he ran while shooting taking out 3 villans sounding Eraserhead. Eraserhead tried to freeze Deku's quirk thinking it was a marksmanship quirk, but nothing happened telling Eraser about young Deku "This guy is quirkless1" he told himself. He was to distracted to see a villain about to punch him only for Deku to grapple hook the guys and pulling the villain towards him just to clothesline the guy. Deku and Eraser both fought side by side. When the dust settled they were the only 2 standing. Eraser-"Who are you?". "All you need to know is that im government". Deku said not even looking at the pro hero. Deku-"13 is injured, I know first aid and will help her". Eraser needing all the help he needed ran with Deku towards the entrance. Once their half the kids were calm while the others were too scared to move. Deku looked at Momo Deku-" make me some bandages now". Momo replied the request and Deku began to care for 13. Bakugo-"Hey who the hell are you". Deku didn't say a thing as he stood up, he instead was looking for any other injuries. Bakugo-"HEY IM TALKING TO YOU" Bakugo was about to grab Deku when another portal opened. A purple bird monster came out carrying some sort of machine. The nomu planted the machines which turned on. Every student and Eraser fell into the ground by some sort of paralysis pushing down on them. Lida-"I can't move". Then a pale boy with hands on his body came out of the portal Tomura-"That's the point, my my, you defeated my army, wait a minute who are you!". He was pointing at Deku. Tomura-"Your not part of this game, your cheating you cheater". Eraser-"What have you done to us!". Tomura-" The machine paralyze anyone we want so all of you. Then it struck him, Deku was the only one not affected. Bakugo-"Then why is that bastard still standing" looking at Deku. Realizing what was happening Tomura grew a sadistic smile of his face, only people with quirks were affected by the machine. Tomura with a loud voice making sure everyone heard then said: "Well well well, look here ladies and gents, we have a quirkless hero among us". 

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