The Boy at the Beach

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"I love the beach, I can't believe school was cancelled today. YAY!" I cheered.

"I know, thank you teachers for going on strike!" my friend Bethany said from the drivers seat beside me.

"Yeah Buddy!!" Julie yelled from the back seat. She then added, "and it is like the perfect day, the sun is shining and there are only two other school that have the day off today."

It's true, the teachers at our school, joined with teachers from another school and decided to stage a protest for better pay or something, meaning we get the entire day off.

We pulled up in the car park and each race out of the car, grabbing our things and running down to the sand. Luckily there weren't to many people here, just a few family who I presume were here on vacation.

We lay out our towel before I yelled to the girls, "I am going for a swim!" I kicked out my shoes and took the clothes I had on over the top of my bikini off. I then took my hair out letting my bright blonde hair fall at medium-short length. I then ran off towards the crashing waves. As soon as I ran in I regretted it, the water was freezing. I jumped and squealed as the water became more bearable.

"Erm... why did you run into the water when it is, basically, below freezing." said a slow, English tone from behind me.

"Well I didn't know it was going to be that cold." I said as I spun around, I was shocked to see who was standing behind me.

"Hi, I'm Harry, Harry Styles. What's yours?" I tried to stop myself fangirling at his low, husky voice. I guess it sorta worked. I didn't scream or anything, in fact I was lost for words. Then I started to feel my legs shake like they were about to give way. Just as I begin to fall two muscular arms catch me and I am staring into two beautiful green orbs.

"Are you OK?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just I bit shocked when I turned around to the Harry Styles from One Direction. Anyway, my name is Emily." OK so I love One Direction

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you Emily. Are you sure you're OK?" Harry asked again making sure.

"Don't worry about me Harry, I'm fine. I've felt worse after a game of hockey.... But I did get hit in the head with the ball, it wasn't my fault but..." I started to ramble, my nervousness taking over.

"What are you talking about Emily?" Harry asked looking at me as though I am insane.

"Nothing, do you want to come meet my friends?" I smiled at him hoping he would say yes. My friends are Directioners as well and they would freak out at the sight of Harry Styles.

"Beth, Jules, I would like you to meet a new friend of mine. I just met him down near the water." I said trying to get their attention. Julie was on her phone probably tweeting and Bethany was very intrigued by some article in her magazine.

"Guys, this is Harry." At the mention of his name both of their heads snapped up.

"It's nice to meet you both." he said as he hug them and gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll be back in a second, you don't mind if we just steal Emily away from you for a minute?" before he could answer the girls were dragging me behind them, to a spot where Harry could not hear us.

"OMG!! You met THE Harry Styles!!" Beth squealed.

"And have you noticed he can't stop staring at you Em?" Julie added

"What? That is ridiculous! Harry Styles wouldn't fancy me."

"Are you kidding Emily!!" They both said simultaneously, "Em you are gorgeous, by the way, don't look now but he is checking you out."

I slightly peeked around to see Harry staring at me with a look of awe in is eyes.

"OMG!! Harry Styles is checking me out!" we all had a little fangirl moment before deciding to head back over to where Harry was standing looking at his phone.

"Hey girls, erm... I just got a text from the lads and they need me in the studio." He genuinely looked sad that he had to leave. "They said they are just around the corner. It was lovely to meet you girls and Emily... here."

He hand me a little piece of paper, when I opened it I revealed his number, "Call me, maybe?"

"Hey I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number, so call me maybe.." I sang earning a weird look from Harry. I could hear my friends laugh behind me and I'm am pretty sure I heard one of the say typical.

"You are so strange Emily." Harry said 

I just smile at him, "Thanks"

"But seriously give me a call sometime?" he said with a wink as he ran off to get in the black van and went back to his pop star life.

"Sure thing!" I called after him. Well that was an interesting day!


This one is a bit different to the other ones and I really enjoyed writing it... I hope you enjoy reading it!! :)



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