Romeo and Juliet...

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Ever since I was young I was told to stay away from Zayn Malik and his family. Our families had been in a feud since before we were born and to be honest I didn't understand it, I didn't know why and I didn't think this would happen in this day and age. During Shakespearean times... maybe but definitely not in the 21st century. But I never argued  and I did what I was told and to this day I have never spoken a word to Zayn and he has never said anything to me... In fact I don't think I have ever even seen him before until today...

I decided to go for a bike ride in the afternoon just to clear my head from this massive family issue. Apparently dad had sent the Maliks a letter threatening them if they ever let there dog use our lawn as its bathroom again. I didn't see the big deal, it is only the second time it has happened in the entire time we have lived here.

I arrived at the park and let my bike fall to the ground as I went to sit under my favourite tree. I closed my eyes and listened to all the different noises of the park, wind rustling the leaves of the trees, cars driving past on the nearby road, children laughing and playing, a boy speaking to me... wait! I opened my eyes slowly and there stood a boy who was stunningly beautiful.

"Erm.... hey." he said shyly, "Can I sit here?" I nodded my head as he sat down down slowly next to me.

"My name is Zayn, what's your's?" he said holding out his hand to shake it but I could process much after he said his name.

"Oh no! You don't happen to be Zayn Malik?" I asked, disappointment clear across my face.

"Yeah! How did you know?" he asked bewildered at what seemed to him like a wild guess.

"My name is Dhvani (Your Last Name)" I tried to avoid eye contact. "Our families hate each other!"

"Oh right!" he said as he stood up and left, without even staying goodbye... How rude?!

That night I lay in bed thinking about Zayn, I can't believe I ever thought the Malik's were kind people. Zayn just proved to me that there was a reason our families were fighting. I hate him, he made me believe he was a lovely guy but NO! He just gets up and walks away... I mean what was all that about!! I thought angrily.

When I woke up the next day I couldn't stop my brain thinking about Zayn, with his perfect hair and perfect eyes... why was he so perfect when I am trying to hate him!?

I need to ride my bike, so I went back to the park. At first I was slightly afraid that I might find Zayn there but then I remembered he walked away so why would he be there?

As I reached the tree I noticed someone standing there with his back to me but I knew who it was in an instant.

"You have some nerve coming back here Malik!" I yelled releasing my anger as I watched my turn around. My eyes softened as I saw his eyes were red and puffy as though he had been crying, "What's wrong?" I asked cautiously in case he was pretending.

"Yesterday... I went to get something and when I returned you weren't here Dhvani." He said as tears began to fill his eyes again.

"What do you mean? I thought you just left me because of my family and the fued between your and mine." I stated blatantly.

"I know I probably should have told you where I was going and I want to be perfectly honest with you... I knew who you were when I asked to sit with you beneath this tree yesterday." he informed me.

"How?" I asked curiously.

"My parent's have shown me pictures and told me to stay away but as soon as I lay eyes on you I was smittened." he said with hope filled eyes.

"Oh ok..." I said unsure he was being truthful, "So what is it you went to get?"

"This." he said as he pulled a tiny white flag out of his pocket, "I surrender from this family feud and I surrender my heart to you."

I looked at his eyes and saw sincerity and love. I couldn't help myself, I leaned in and kissed him. I wonder how our families are going to react to this? I thought laughing quietly to myself but never breaking the kiss.


I went on a bit of a different angle for the love/hate scenario so I hope it is alright.

And I hope you like it!!



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