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"ASHMEE!!" my best friends called my nickname as he ran inside and scooped me up for a hug. I should probably tell you that my best friend is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, we have been friends since... FOREVER!

"Ashley!" I hear from behind Louis and I, I turn around to see the rest of the boys standing in my doorway.

"Hey boys! What are you doing here?" I asked them, I thought they were supposed to be on tour in the US at the moment.

"Well, Louis and Harry missed you so much and wouldn't shut up about coming to visit you." Zayn said making Louis and Harry blush.

"Plus, we have a week off." Liam stated.

"YAY! Well, make yourselves at h-" I stopped midsentence because the boys had already kicked there shoes off and were laying across the couch flipping through the channels on the television.

"Ash, can you please make us some food?" Nialler asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No Niall! Get it yourself, I am not your slave." I said with a laugh as the little lephrecaun stood up from the couch and went to make some food for himself.

I sat on the couch joining the boys with their channel surfing and was quickly joined by the Harry. "Hey Ashley!" he yelled as he sat down. Harry starting flirting with me but he does it all the time, he and I have that sort of relationship where we flirt but it doesn't really mean anything... at least not to me. 

I began to laugh at a joke that Harry told me and looked around the room letting my dark brown eyes fall on my best friend who did not look happy. Louis looked so uncomfortable and sort of looked as though he wanted to punch Harry.

He swiftly stood up a stormed out of the room. What on earth has gotten into him? I decided to follow him. Being his best friend, I was always there to help him out, it was apart of my caring nature.

I went upstair and knocked on the door to the guest bedroom. "Louis?" I asked opening the door slightly.

"Yeah Ash!" he answered quietly. He must have something to tell me because he only calls me Ash when he has something important to say otherwise he calls me Ashmee which he has called me since we first met.

"What's up mate?" I asked walking into the room and sitting on the bed next to him.

"Nothing, don't worry about it Ash." he said quietly and seriously which is unusual.

"Louis William Tomlinson! I am your best friend, I know when you have something to say so why don't you just tell me and maybe I can do something to help!" I scolded.

"Alright, alright, calm down." he said with a laugh, "Just don't get angry at me for saying this, ok?"

I nodded to let him know he could continue.

"I don't want you to flirt with Harry anymore." he said lookin at his hands.

"Why not Lou? It's not like it means anything anyway." I informed him

"Well, maybe not to you but Harry has a crush on you so it may mean something to him and I don't want you to lead him on." he said quietly, "Plus, I... um... like you." I almost didn't hear him say that last part but I did.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"I said I like you Ash." he said louder and more confident, "Actually I love you." His blue eyes stared deeply into mine.

"I... I..." I stammered.

"Did you know the colour of your eyes become lighter when your happy?" he said stil staring at me.

"Yeah." I said quietly, looking to the ground, still trying to process what I have just been told by my best friend.

"They are lighter now." he stated.

I knew they were, I was so happy Louis had told me this because in all honesty, I felt the same.

"So..." Louis said awkwardly.

"I love you too Louis." I whispered flickering my eyes up to look at him. I watched as his face lit up and he jumped up pulling me with him.

"Louis! What are y-" I started before I was cut off by his soft lips against mine.

"I love you Ashmee! You are my bestest friend!" he whispered. I responded by pecking him on the lips again. 


Sorry it's not very good but I hope you like it and I hope it is what you wanted :)

Merry Christmas!



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