Cold Kisses

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Ashley's POV

It was so cold! But I couldn't admit defeat! Harry told me to bring a jacket today but me, being stubborn, thought I would be fine without one. As we walked down the street I gave him a side glance and noticed that he was smirking... obviously noticing that I was shivering for the harsh temperature.

Harry stopped us in our tracks and asked, "Ash, babe, are you alright?"

"Y-y-yeah, just fine, Harry." I said unconvincingly through my chattering teeth. Then I continued walking expecting Harry to do the same.

After walking about five metres I noticed he was not beside me but before I could look around I felt a warm weight placed on my shoulders. The aroma of my boyfriend fill my nostrils as I realised he had given me his jacket.

"Thank you," I muttered quietly.

"You're welcome, beautiful." he said placing his arm around my neck warming me even more. "I don't want you to get sick or anything and you obviously weren't going to ask." he added with a giggle while bringing his lips to my forehead to place a light kiss.

As we continued walking we passed a new cafe that I had seen before but never been into. "You know what might warm me up even more Haz? A hot chocolate." I said pulling him towards the small coffee shop. "Please!!!" I added knowing Harry couldn't resist my plea.

"Sure thing babe, my shout!" He followed me to the cafe and as the door opened the smell of fresh coffee and pastries hit us and made our mouths begin to water.

Harry went to sit down at a table whilst I went to order our hot chocolates. As I got up to the counter I noticed a very handsome young man at the counter... Nothing compared to my man, of course! He was very lovely and gave me a croissant on the house and it wasn't until I sat down at the table with out table number that I noticed Harry with a stern look on his face.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked reaching for his hand placed that was place on the table.

"You know he was flirting with you!"

"Really?!" I said realising it was true... I mean, who just gives out free croissants, "well, you know you have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for the one and only Harry Styles!" I giggled and watched as his face relaxed.

We chatted, waiting for our hot chocolates and once they were ready the boy who took our order at the counter brought them to the table.

Harry glared at him as he places our mugs on the table and left sending a wink in my direction. Harry slapped his hands on the table and stood up pushing his chair behind him harshly. I thought I was going to have to stop a fight but Harry, being the unpredictable little cupcake he was climbed his chair until he was standing on the table.

"EXCUSE ME EVERYONE!" He announced, "MAY I HAVE YOU ATTENTION! THIS HERE IS ASHLEY..." He pointed to me and I looked at my fidgeting hands, embarrassed, "AND SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND! HER HEART BELONGS TO ME AND NO ONE ELSE!" He said aiming his word to the young man who now stood behind the counter. He then jumped off the table, pulled me out of my chair and into his strong hold where he placed his lips possessively on mine as everyone looked on.


Hey, I'm back!!!
Sorry it took so long lovely but I hope you like it ashxes , it's been a while since I have written anything that wasn't a uni paper haha :)


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